How do cities attract trade?

I'm supposed to compare how cities attract trade from now and ancient times. But oddly I found more information on ancient times. What are some tactics used now.


  • Even though the guy answering before me just wants a link for his site he hits a true point: Stability (that's what he means in sum) is extremely important. Another factor is public infrastructure from roads to technology access, logistics (resources in and products out), cost of employing people and their skill level, tax levels (general level and stability of rates) and company-friendly politics (tax incentives, etc) are some important factors.

    It also depends on the business the company is in. A dairy product producer has other requirements than a producer of solar cells or computer chips.

  • For me a city can only attract trade if it has a good reputation on peace and order. Investors I am sure will be attracted to invest and have business on that city.

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