Who's a better provider a Republican Man or a Democratic Man?

TANGENT SPIN: Who's the better lover?....

;> Poll it folks


  • Political leanings mean nothing as to whether a man is a good father/husband/provider. Look at John Edwards on the left and the Penn State Coaching staff (the head coach and the pedophile both have stated publicly that they were proud Republicans).

    I say it's a wash and I don't measure competence or moral standing on political leanings just like I don't measure a person's favorite color on that.

  • The moderate.

    The Republican will only provide a shotgun and a pickup truck.

    The Democrat will only provide whatever the government gives him.

  • Depends on the republican/democrat.

    An extreme conservative would probably have you locked in a gun closet somewhere reading the bible, barefoot, pregnant with your 9th child wearing a homespun dress.

    An extreme liberal would probably leave you at some political rally in a doped up stupor wearing nothing but your skeevies, a tie dye t shirt and Birkenstock shoes.

  • Provider of what?

    Republican man: Wealth and security.

    Democratic man: Love and empathy.

  • Conservative


  • The Republicans are the business leaders. Democrats.. well..

  • Democratic Man visits all his baby mommas and makes sure they are signed up for all their benefits.

  • depends on the job, republicans tend to be successful Business men and harder workers

    @johan, they also provide houses, ammo, heating in the winter, and a whole bunch of other things democrats cannot

  • The one who earns the money.

  • Both can be good or bad

    I bet this is the only non-partisan answer you get.

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