Teens: Do you like Rage comics?
And memes and all that stuff?
I love them
BQ:Do you enjoy trolls?
I think they're kind of entertaining..but sometimes they cross the line...
Update:I like Forever Alone, Bad Luck Brian, Scumbag Steve, and Over Obsessive Girlfriend.
Haha, yeah! My favorites site for them is Reddit, cos it has a lot of other cool stuff besides rage comics.
BQ: Yess, but Laura blocked me..
I wouldn't have even reported her, haha.
Yeah ! They are pretty funny !! You should check out Memestache ! It's really funny and is an entire site dedicated to memes ! And ragestache is a website from the same company as memestache and is totally dedicated to rage comics !!
Trolls can be funny , but when they make up situations that endanger someone or just cross the line , it's not funny anymore !
Lol. I had a classmate show me a bunch and they were funny. I'm not sure what memes are,
BQ: Sometimes. I hate the ones that put the same obnoxious answers on every question or ask the same question over and over again, but some are entertaining.
Yes! I love Forever Alone, Scumbag Steve, Foul Bachelor Frog, Annoying Facebook girl, Yo Dawg, and Cereal Guy.
BQ: Stella and Staten are the best, not the others...except The Mario Princess trolls.
Yes, I like them when they don't completely overuse memes.
My favorite memes are Socially Awkward Penguin, Conspiracy Keanu, and Scumbag Steve
BQ: Meh. I'm just reportin.
That I feel approach too much usually. BQ: A stroll To recollect by using Nicholas Sparks. I imply, ok, the publication used to be a ways from a masterpiece, but being the emotionally driven schmuck i am I did cry. The movie was once just...Wow. They changed so many things, proper right down to the time period (Did they ought to go with modern-day versus the fifties? Had been they really that lazy?).
Yes. The memes, especially.
BQ: I agree with you. Some of them are kinda funny in a dumb way, but some really need to stop.
I love Rage Comics & Memes! I read them basically every night & have a bunch of their apps on my phone xP .
BQ: eh, it depends.
Rage comics<3 I have an app for that
And an app for memes 
Yay for rage comics! :DD
I could care less but they are pretty entertaining!