TnA EPIC FAIL "Orlando Screwjob"?

damn shame on TnA for doing such a stupid thing, how come TnA fans are so quiet about this? what is your take on this whole thing?


  • It's a whole lot of bs.

  • Gr 8 i was also about to ask these questions


    It was bad plot , there is much difference between original & fake. TNA has done it to have same Controversy of Screw Job Happened in 1997.

    Plot TNA: Angle VS A J (For Heavyweight Title)

    After a long match , Angle applies ankle lock to AJ & He reverts it off , Hulk Hogans comes & Asks the Refree to ring the Bell & Declare AJ as a winner of match.Kurt Angel spits in Hulk Hogan FACE.

    If TNA wants kurt to be 2nd Bret of pro industry , well its Impossible.

    TNA Sucks

  • Can the whole of wrestling please stop trying to recreate the Bret screwjob, it just looks stupid. Plus can someone tell Hogan that the 90s are over.

  • Thats the weakest piece of sh*t ive seen in ages, till tottenham drew with leeds last night that is.

    TNA has a lot of work to do to dig themselves out of the hole theyre in.

    Hogan is ruining that company.

  • I laughed at how they copied it, EPIC FAIL!!

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