How do you copy YouTube videos?

when i go to youtube,i see some copied videos like some of nigahiga's videos.any one know how to do it?


  • goto the Youtube video you want.

    in internet explorer click on

    tools ---- internet options -------- settings ------- view files

    Tem. Internet Files folder will open. Delete all those files. refresh the Youtube. Watch the progress bar. When it is done, goto the Temp. Internet Files folder and hit F5. The video will have a long file name that starts with "videoplayback". Drag it to the desktop. It is a .flv file. You can play it with VLC Media Player, It is free and better than Windows Media Player.

  • Well I use firefox and I have a realplayer recorder plugin, that you can download the video with while u watch it.

  • get software like snapz pro x (thats for macs) or hypercam (for windows) to take a video of the screen for the best quality and no text across the screen, you have to buy it, but its not too expensive if you plan on using it alot. i got mine for $20.

  • go to youtube and get the link to the video.

    then go to and paste the link. choose your file type.

    wait for it to download. then just post it back onto youtube.

  • Download the video, then re-post it under your account.

  • this will help you... use 'zillatube' - it gives you good quality videos

    it is the easiest (and also the fastest) way.

    Zillatube easily download videos from Youtube... to your computer, and more (e.g. it will help you convert them, or just watch them easily anytime you want).

    It works very well -

  • well watch what they do and try to copy it by doing the same lines

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