Sending Nudes as a Minor?

i am a bisexual fourteen year old girl and i regularly exhange pictures of me in a bra & panties over snapchat to my three girl friends. i feel very comfortable around them & they told me that they're comfortable with me sending them pictures in thongs, skimpy bras, towels, panties, and bikinis if i am okay with them doing the same, which i am since they're very attractive & it makes me horny. my fifteen year old bisexual friend just began sending me nudes and i finally took off my underwear and sent her full body pictures of me in only a bra. she always compliments my body and it boosts my self esteem so i don't want to stop sending her nudes. i also feel like our relationship is growing through the pictures because we can confide in each other enough to show ourselves to one another. also, she's so ******** hot oh my god i can't get enough of her. should i take away my source of pleasure or should i continue making us both happy?


  • If the only way for you to boost your self-esteem is to have other people commenting on your semi-naked body then you have some serious issues that you need to address - your worth is not based on your body or other people's opinion of you, and you don't need to take off your clothes to find pleasure. The idea that you think you have to take your clothes off to get people to say nice things about you and for you to feel good about yourself is really tragic - please talk to someone about why you feel like this, it's not healthy.

    It should go without saying that exchanging nude or semi-nude photos at your age is absolutely not okay - all of you risk criminal charges for distribution and production of CHILD PORNOGRAPHY - as much as you might like to think otherwise you are a child, you thus lack the neurology and life experience to be able to make choices like this. As well as potential criminal charges there's the simple fact that you're sharing something so intimate with someone who could then turn around and show your photos to absolutely anyone - regardless of what apps you use, screenshots can be taken and it is all too easy for someone to use your photos against you and that can cause serious problems for you with your peers.

    You don't need to share photos to get pleasure.

  • Snap chat says it deletes the pictures, but they can be saved, and they can be distributed to other people. 14 year old girls are often best friends one day and worst enemies the next. It wouldn't surprise me if she sent your pictures around to everyone at your school. If you two want to see each other naked, why don't you do it in person? If you want someone to get you horny, why not get a boyfriend rather than fooling around with other girls? And most importantly, who takes off their underwear but leaves their bra on? That's weird.

  • are you seriously not reading the news these days..?

    both criminal charges and those pics showing up when you really don't want them to are possible.

    do you really think you're going to be a 14 year old lesbian curious girl for ever.? HINT, no you won't be.

    first off, you're not even a lesbian now, a 14 year old is not anything yet.

  • Even as a minor and even if they're your pictures you can be charged with distribution of child pornography. Have fun on the sex offender registry.

  • That's so.cute I think you should further your relationship

  • if you see they screenshotted it, then tell them to delete it. also DONT put your face in the pictures.

  • You need Jesus

  • Do Wut u wanna do

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