Feminists: Do you seek equal opportunity or special privileges?

(They are opposite ideas.)


Boo, I see your point, but I've met many women who have no problem stating in public they should have special privileges.


  • Judging by the actions of feminist group actions, feminist authors and feminist politicians, it would strongly appear to be the latter.

  • You can't ever equal them in job opportunities because women already have acceptable priviledges in terms of work. Such as the job as receptionist, telephone operator and many customer based services. Already society is seeing that women can compete with men, allowing them almost any job and even prefering them for some (above mentioned).

    If you think women are being undermined, then it is not the law, at least not of my country, that is at work. It is the behaviour of the people that needs changing, this is done on a personal level. But remember, men get blamed more than you do. Whenever a crime takes place, what gender do you suspect first? Child molestation, more lenient when done by women to boys? Who do you think is more prone to be addicted to drugs? Yet, reality always astounds us with suprises.

    I think many feminists are greedy, deluded people. While there are some logical ones in their midst who actually see that inequality has become a case by case basis, alot of them are asking for an imbalance in their favor.

    As their name suggests, feminists, not equalists.

  • There is no point to this question. You will only get the obvious answer which is "Equal opportunity". They take full advantage of special privileges and will not seek to abolish them. It would not suit them to say "Special privileges" for the same reason why it won't suit USA and UK to say "We invaded Iraq for oil".

    If any feminist in here was dumb enough to tell the truth and say "Special privileges", then our work here would be done, and would be no point debating with numpties.

  • i'm an anti feminists, yet i've got self belief in equivalent pay for the comparable activity for all races, male, woman or someplace else defined. the undertaking is that the place i'm employed, most of the girls individuals do no longer paintings as annoying by way of fact the adult adult males. it is due each and every so often to laziness and others that they have babies to look after. the two are their existence-type alternatives. i gets a commission greater suitable than would individuals at my grade, the two male and woman, by way of fact I paintings long hours and am good at my activity.

  • Women have had equal opportunities for decades. What modern feminists want is special priviliges.

  • equality. special privileges for certain groups of people even without gender coming into play are the reason why the world is so messed up.

  • they will answer the former, but intend the latter

  • Equal opportunity. I want all people to be treated with the same rights regardless of sex, ethnicity, nationality, or wealth. But that's likely to never happen.

  • I seek equal opportunity and have found no need for anything more.

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