how do i update my graphics card/driver?

hiya im not to good at this stuff but i play a game that just updated and it says my graphics card does not have the minimum reqired features to play it :/. i have a "microsoft corporation GDI generic" graphics card and says my graphics card has the following problems:

*software rasteriser

*unsupported OpenGL Version

*No Multi-Texturing

*Insufficient Texture Units

*No Extended Multi-Texturing

so yeah its pretty messed up i see but i really need some help getting it fixed ^^".and umm...>.> is it free :D

and not to be picky or anything but can it be from the manufacturers site plz :]


  • idk either but try searching google for the update........runescape hd works on my mothers laptop but no on this computer so im tryin to search for it also i have the exact same problem....=[

  • Doesn't cost you a cent - just go to Nvidia webpage and download the driver. Be careful, I updated mine and my graphics actually worsened. Sometimes the previous driver are more compatible (give better results) to a specific type of card.

  • haha runescape, mine says the same exact thing. I want to play HD so badly.

  • same here i cant find it i just need the multi texturin

  • yup, runescsape, I'm trying to get it to work too, exact same problem.

  • hahaha we all seem to have the same problem

  • lmao, me too. been goin google crazy.

  • Same with me..........

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