Do you remember faces or names?

Or both

I forget people's names too easily I feel bad cause they always member mine


  • i remember faces but am terrible with names lol

  • I'm a bank teller, so it's weird. Sometimes I can remember a face but not a name. And other times I have to see the name before I remember who it is. So I guess I remember both, just not at the same time!

  • usually both. I had a friend who was dating a Stewardess and he introduced me to her every time we met. I have a generic brown haired woman look, so I don't think I stand out except when I would drink. THEN, not only would i stand up, I would lay on the floor, once some roadies I knew were taking equipment out to their van. They put me in an equipment case, closed the lid and when they opened again the cigarette I had smoked was still in my hand and still good. At the time that amused me to no end.

  • i alway start with faces and then if i really know them real well i will try to get to know their names and then if i didn't see them for maybe 3 or 5 years i going to forget their faces but still remember their names. does what it does for me i dont' know about other people may think =/

  • both

    i can even tell the names of my classmates 7 years ago (when i was 7)

  • I remember faces, I forget names.

  • Unfortunately, I'm terrible with names. Unless I work with the person on a group project or see them at work or school on a daily or weekly basis, I only remember the face.

  • I remember faces 2 ♥

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