do you consider greeklish as a vandalism against greek language?

i dont....fisika pistevo oti apla kanun ti zoi mas pio efkolh alla thelo k alles apopsis


  • Of course not..It is a way of comunication here...Our language is not degenerated by this, but by the new expressions which are out of comprehension, and the bad words...

    In this program it is the only easy way to write something in or language, but even like that when we dare it we get report...

    So, better english, in order not only to get reports, but also to make the others understand and avoiding the misunderstandings, since we are not just greeks who use this section

  • Maybe not exactly vandalism, but the more we use greeklish, the less we speak proper greek. I have to admit, I do it too sometimes. It's hard not to. But I do avoid it. There are people that don't speak either language properly because they can get away with using whichever word they're comfortable with.

    Sometimes, we don't even know what the greek word is, because everyone uses the english one all the time. And that I find sad...

  • Greeklish is not vandalism it's a tool, a convenience to aid communication it is not a language. Greeklish does not posses a grammar or syntax or even spelling of its own. It is 100% greek writen in a latin alphabet.

    Language, any language is alive and constantly, changing adapting to an ever evolving culture. Katharevousa for the record was an invented language that very few people spoke and even fewer wrote. Ancient Greek and modern Greek share very few similarities. For sure they do not sound the same. The verb endings and tenses have changed beyond comprehension. There are a lot of foreign words in the language but they have been asimilated. English is full of foreign words so is French, Italian, German you name it. The roots of the greek language are lost with linear B. It has been around for at least 4000 years, and has gone through a lot of changes and it will keep on changing as long as the Hellenic culture continues. There is historical evidence of the hellenic language's ability to survive through adaptation. So lets not stagnate the language due to narrow-mindeness and ignorance.

  • Although Dellarovere's answer may sound harsh for some, I understand his concern. The same thing is happening to Turklish, oops sorry, I mean Turkish!

    People are using foreign words, sometimes not knowing or distorting the original meaning of them. Sometimes just to sound posh. Moreover, it is obvious that education is going down in so many countries. New generations do not learn their mother tongue properly, nor do they read its literature. So they end up living with only 300 words, 100 of which are foreign (in this case American English).

    I am not against the English language. I am an English teacher and I love it. But we need to learn and use our first language well before we learn a second one.

  • YES

    in Greek there is a word for everything.


    other languages steal or borrow the words from Greek because theirs is not that rich.

    when you spend a few months in England and come back, walk on the beach and say :' mbigan ammoi sta shoes mou' it does not mean you are clever, I pity you.....and when you say "show" instead of parastasi, etc..........- it is abuse of your own identity, roots and education

    paidia, Greek language is beautiful !

    keep it alive !

    play with every word and cherish it as the biggest treasure !


    and the biggest enemy of Greek language is TV: most soaps and serials are using 'new' words and greeklish language;

    unfortunately even the journalists do not know how to express themselves and use monster-greek language

  • Languages represent people, cultures and customs. And languages too are "living organisms" continuously changing, adapting and evolving but also attacking one other to survive.

    Like many others, Greek language is not anymore used to create, generate and produce the new, the fresh and the novel. As such, it is rather a follower.

    "Greeklish" is a futile attempt to cope with the change and confirms just that.

  • Not as long as we still know how to use and write our language correctly. As Dellarovere said, our language has suffered a lot more. If we study it well and use it well, using greeklish when necessary is OK.

  • It is the only way to comunicate in greek between each other..However, vandalism for me it is also the hatred of some greeks towards their compatriots in many aspects, or the destruction of our heritage and the lack of consciousness

  • ομπρέλα . It's the same for Greek cypriot (as in Cyprus) and the same in Greek. What does Greeklish mean?

  • I strongly disagree! Grelekish may lead to the degenaration of the greek language and subsequently to the Greek indetity...

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