Am i just paroniod , or is this a major problem?!?
My bf's ex spoke to him 2 weeks ago and said she was depressed and wanted to go to his house to sleep in his bed, and he said no, its awkward and he told her he's already got a gf (me) and she wouldnt be happy if that happened. but he didnt tell me till now, because he forgot, he says its a funny situation ... should i be worried?
No. Not unless she actully came over to his house. I would be careful though. Hes just being a guy!
Good Luck<3
Hmm-m-m?? I wonder what took him so long to tell you if it was just a funny and awkward situation. How often does he speak with his ex, anyway? Maybe too often, if she would make a request like that and think that there was even a remote chance that he would say okay. He needs to have much less contact with her so he isn't stringing her along, even unintentionally!! : /
I wouldn't say that you disregard it but i don't think that you should overreact over it so much because it might just be nothing. But i do think that you should be on your toes over something like this because the above answer seems to be right because he may be asociating with this person too much in order for her to make such a request just stay on your toes and watch him!
i wouldnt be worried. hes probably embarrased that she would even think of something like that. and she needs some serious help anyways if shes askin him to sleep in his bed .. i mean.. come on now!!
its ok 2 have ur guard up like that but @ least he told u which should put u @ ease and keep an eye on her
maybe. it depends on how much you trust him. he could just be telling a partial truth so that he doesnt get his but whooped, but he may be sinciere
NO....sounds like nothing to worry about he told you!!
You are wise to be concerned.
nah, at least he told you, thats a plus...I would beat her ***