Is Obama secretly a Republican?

The Obama administration granted waivers for safety requirements for the Deepwater Horizon oil rig which is now spilling into the Gulf. Obama came out a couple months ago in support of increased drilling offshore. And finally, even after this spill took place, Obama said this should not be allowed to influence our determination to drill offshore.

Since liberals are trying to label the Republican party as the party of Big Oil... does this mean Obama must be a secret Republican, or at least a shill for the oil companies? Is Obama right to continue in support of offshore drilling even after the oil spill has taken place?


Always happy to make someone laugh, Jozeph! :p


  • He isn't, but your question raises an important point.

    Obama, George W. Bush, Clinton, Bush (the father) Reagan, Carter etc etc etc all the way back to LBJ are all part of the same "group".

    These People "pose" as either Dem or Rep but in reality they care nothing for these "labels" because they are part of something else, set up to deceive the American People.

    Obama is a fully paid up "agent" of International Banking Cartels and Corporations.

    Just like all those who went before him, going back to LBJ.

  • Obama & the democrats gets about 1/3 of their donations from oil and oil derivatives.

    The talk is just that, follow the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

  • No.

    It only serves as more proof of the massive hypocrisy among Democrats.

    Gandhi has obviously done some research, but, I would suggest that it goes back much furthur than LBJ.

  • There are two chances of that...slim and none.

  • LOL, now that's funny!

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