Atheists: Do you smoke cigarettes?

I know this has nothing to do with religion, but i'm just wondering how many atheists smoke?


@india lima: you're right, they cost ALOT!!!!!

Update 3:

Ok, i admit, i have some smoking problem.... I start smoking then i quit...then i start again.....

This has nothing to do with religion...... I'm also an atheist and i don't believe in the stupid god.. I'm just wondering atheists tend to smoke?


  • i don't smoke or drink anything but air and water and fruit juice

  • Nope.

    When I was younger, I'd have one now and then when out at a bar or a club with friends. But I never got "hooked," and haven't had one in, oh, 25 years.


  • I was a smoker for a long time, but I've quit. I've set a date (when I graduated), and since then I haven't had a cigarette. It's all about the will.

  • Once in a blue moon, I would like to smoke a good cigar after dinner. I'm talking about one of those $10.00 Cuban cigars.....I don't have any, and how often do you see a blue moon......oh well

  • there was a time, but then if you go back even further there was a time when I thought this god story everyone was talking about was real. a little maturity helps you dispense with physical and mental unhealthy things

  • Every now and then I think smoking could be a great weight loss strategy, but then I remember how much cigarettes stink and how much they cost.

  • No, I put a lot of effort into quitting that filthy habit and I'm not going back.

  • No. I did in high school, but haven't in decades.

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