Does Sakura really love Naruto?

I just finished watching episode 206 and it seems she's just trying to convince him to stop pursuing Sasuke. You can spoil if you want, I don't care.


  • Nope. She's totally in love with Sasuke.

  • No. She cares for Naruto but not in a romantic way. She thinks of him more like a brother. The reason why she confessed was because of guilt. She saw how much trouble Naruto went through and thought it was her fault. Sakura still loves Sasuke, as you'll find out in the next couple of episodes (around 211 think :)

  • If you mean romantically, the answer is no.

    Sakura does love Naruto- as a brother and her closest friend. She 'confesses' to Naruto just to try and get him to give up on the promise he made her to bring Sasuke back- what she sees as the root of his pain. Naruto himself sees through this and tells her that it wasn't the promise that keeps him going.

  • i'm going to answer a short answer as possibly i can.

    yes, she loves him but it will be revealed for real in future chapters as it seems. the confession of sakura to naruto is very misinterpreted by many fans especially by sakura haters, sadly.

    the confession was honest from sakura. she was convincing him for his sake and to kill sasuke by herself. now some fans say that she was manipulating him cause she was just lying to convince him which is not, and this is why sai was used to speak after sakura left and for sakura to not be misunderstood but obviously it didn't work and the evidence is some answers above me as you can see the misunderstanding and misinterpretation, no offense to anyone, i'm just saying.

    and here's a little advice: don't analyze or read too much into things in the manga.

  • Nope, not in a romantic way that's for sure. She only did this so Naruto can forget about the promise she made with him, but Naruto made it clear. He is also doing this on his own will, not only because of Sakura and her request. She thought it was only for her, when it wasn't.

  • Nah she doesn't love him, She thought that if she confessed to naruto that he would forget about Sasuke and go back to village and he will be free of his burden.

  • No.Shes justlying because he dont want Naruto to get hurt.She still in love with Sasuke.^^

  • She and Naruto are friends still

  • You mean from romantic stand point, no. She does respect him more from the earlier episodes, but not enought to love him.

  • she was acting so naruto break his promise to her to save saske & she don't see him get hurt because of her

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