
last year i was detected with mom was told to take me to the doctor, which she didnt. its been over a year now. and i've started having rele bad back pains, where to the point were sometimes i felt like i couldnt breath. ive told my mom sevreal times to take me to the doctors to have my spine checked. but yet again she seems like she has no mind in it. she thinks its just nothing..this is exactly what she ssaid, "its been a year and you have never complained. and now out of no where...u start complaining."

how do i convince my mom to take me to the doctors?

is it alright for me to rollerblade when i might have scoliosis?( i ask this becuz my freakin gym teacher is making us rollerblade. and for the record...idk how to rollerblade. my cousin told me if i fall i can hurt myself and cause more im rele worried.)


  • If it would help, your mom could email me. I'd be happy to talk to her.

    What you're experiencing is exactly how scoliosis works. Your curve slowly increases and at some point it affects the muscles, your bone position, and/or pinches nerves. For example, I went for many years without pain but one day (literally), I started feeling like a pin was being pushed into my back.

    The pain you feel is different than mine because scoliosis affects different people differently.

    Rollerblading is ok. It won't affect your back pain-wise.

  • If your scoliosis is major that it effects your breathing , your mother really needs you to see a orthopaedic specialist .

    If your mum cared about your health she will bring you , in a year scoliosis can increase a lot . A simple x-ray can see your curve\curves and figure out your treatment .

    Rollerblading isn't "bad" for scoliosis but can cause injury to the spine if you fall or whatever (but like any sport can cause injury)

    If you want to know if you have scoliosis hunch over as much as possible get your two index fingers and start from your neck down to see it runs down straight . If you have a thoracic curve (upper spine) one rib might stick out more then the other , when you bend a hump appears . If you have a lumber curve your hip's are uneven and your legs can be different lenghts .

    Persuade your mum to visit a specialist , scoliosis if diagnosed can be prevented from worsening .

    Good Luck


  • it should be okay to rollerblade or do other sports and things with scoliosis. but of its too bad and causing you severe pain you should tell your mom that your really concerned and tell her that if you don't get it checked it could lead to worse problems in the future. Usually is the spine is too bad, you can get a brace and if it gets too bad, surgery. but you should definately get it checked by a doctor(specialist prefered) and ask him any questions that you have about rollerblading and other things.

  • If she won't take you, get another adult too, or go to a clinic yourself (catch the bus or something). A girl I know had scoliosis for less then a year and required a long and painful surgery, so better get in before it is too late.

  • Look your Really mean mom in the say it really hurts and im not sure about the roller blading but if she dont take you get your friend to take you or go by yourself. hope you get better

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