How do you do this problem ?

Evaluate the expression using exponential rules. Write the result in standard notation.

(2 10-3)(3 10-2)






  • The answer is 6 x 10^(-5) = 0.00006

    This is obtained as follows:

    2*3 = 6, and 10^(-3) * 10^(-2) = 10^(-5) as the exponents are added, so the product is as stated above.

    Live long and prosper.

    Please note: since quantities like 10-3 are at best ambiguous, there is a standard way of representing exponents in computer text --- see above. Use the '^' symbol (above '6' on your keyboard), and also delimit any exponent more complicated than a single digit by parentheses. These two techniques will increase the clarity of your mathematical expressions.

  • Multiply the numbers 2 and 3 in the normal way to get 6.

    Add the powers of 10: (-3) + (-2) = -5 to get the power of 10 for the result.

    The result is 6 10^(-5).

    That means 6.0 with the decimal point moved left 5 places, yielding 4 zeros before the 6:


  • First, the parentheses tell you that the two numbers are to be multiplied together, so you multiply the two integers and get 6 (2x3=6). Since you are multiplying the two bases together, you must add their exponents (one of those yucky rules you'll have to remember), which equals -5 (-3+-2=-5). Next, you write down the 6 and move your decimal place 5 places to the left since the exponent is negative and you are using a base of 10, which makes your first answer the correct one.

  • The answer is 6 * 10-5

    You multiply the 2 and 3

    Then you add the exponents

  • Multiply the 2 and the 3 and get 6

    multiply 10^-3 and 10^-2 and get 10^-5

    the answer is 6 x 10^-5 or .00006

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