Into my Gym Teacher. o_o?

I have a problem with me and my gym teacher, he is so sexy, and I bet he has a hairy chest too. But I can't get over him, and I try not to get a bulge during class because then everyone will see. -_- I just love him and his attitude and his nice butt. What do you think I should do to contain all of this or whatever?


  • wow u like hairy chests huh??? thats good to know i guess..


    i would get over him, lol

    what else can u do? cuz u cant date him.....


  • On well-being center days positioned on a tank suited under the shirt you're wearing, this way you're nonetheless wearing a shirt. As for pants the two wair shorts on a daily basis or do what i do, positioned on your familiar pants and take sweatpants to college. close to well-being center time pass to the bathing room a pair sessions in the past then exchange into them. after well-being center b4 your next type pass to the closest bathing room and alter returned i'm hoping i helped somewhat good success love em

  • Bring a little puppy dog with you. That way, when the bulge comes, the puppy will come in handy....

  • i like ma gym guy toooooooo he's soo cuteeeeeeeeee but i don know if he got hairy chest yuck i don wan him to have em either but newayz he;s soooooooooo cute n his voiceeeeeeee loveeeeeeee it ! maybe u should talk to him wen no 1z der !

  • I dont think u should tell anyone. keep i to urself. Think of him as one of a million hot guys who are out there......

  • Oh, dude, gross!

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