How do I prevent lice?

My little bro got lice...yuck, I know. Is there anything I should put in my hair to keep from getting it as well?


  • Keep long hair tied up in ponytails or even better, braids or a bun.

    Use a little hairspray to keep stray hairs contained.

    Use tea tree oil either by adding a few drops to your regular shampoo, or by making a spritz by adding a few drops to water in a spray bottle. Tea tree oil can be very drying, so only use a few drops (as directed).

  • Medicines may not prevent lice.

    1. Check household items that are more likely to get infested with lice and their eggs, such as towels, bedding, and rugs.

    2. Be sure your brother knows the importance of not sharing any items that touch the head or ears.

    3. Explain to your brother what is lice and that they should avoid touching heads with others.

  • To reduce the chance of you or your child contracting a case of head lice, start by not sharing items that touch the head. Though it may be tempting to share personal belongings (especially for kids), doing so can lead to the spread of head lice. Avoid sharing:

    combs and brushes

    hair clips and accessories

    hats and bike helmets

    scarves and coats


    headsets and earbuds

  • Well you cant prevent lice with any products, but it wouldnt hurt to do a treament, or at least have someone check your scalp for it as well. It spreads so easily! And be sure to wash any bedding or furniture that your little brothers head came in contact with.

  • Wash antibacterial soap

  • dont touch heads with your brother

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