im ordering a pair of jeans, but i dont get the sizes...

im about 27 inces around the waist, so that makes me

a size "7" ... but then it says size "7 - L " and "7 - R"

what does the L and R stand for? please help me


  • L - Long

    R - Regular

    S - Short

    Regular is pretty long already, so if you don't have extremely long legs, get the regular :)

  • L stands 4 long so long legs on the jeans R stands for regular

  • they usally stand for long and regular in alot of other stores which should be the same for hollister (i never bought anything from hollister but im pretty sure what its suppose to mean ) (long is for if u are tall then u need longer pants regular is just the regular height for jeans)

  • There is also 7-s. It stands for long, regular, and short. If you have longer legs go for the long, short go for short or if your legs are average length get the regular.

    Ps: it doesnt stand for large, all of the size 7s are size 7s. lol..!

    Hope that helps!! :D

  • 7-L means 7 long (5"5 and over; long legs)

    7-R means 7 regular (5"4 or 5"5; regular legs)

    7-S means 7 short (5"2; short legs)

  • L stands for long and

    R stands for regular.

  • 7-L really means 7 large.

    If you are tall you should get that

    7-R means 7 regular

    If you are normal height or short get that one.

  • R stands for regular length

    L stands for long length

  • may b L means lik low boot cute an R means regular stores r usually lik dat s leans short an R means lik da natural size

  • it stands for large and regular.

    btw i love hollister i was eyeing a pair of shorts but i didnt have enough money sadly :/

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