POLL: How do people seriously not respect transgender people these days?

When the time rolls around that South Park promotes acceptance and respect of transgender people, it's seriously time for you to rethink your stances in life if you have not already realized that transgender people deserve acceptance and respect.

Tonight's episode of South Park was what I needed. I feel a lot better about myself and the world I live in as a transgender person now.

Thank you Trey and Matt for giving me a positive motivational speech that not even my own mother would give me.


  • Your question: "POLL: How do people seriously not respect transgender people these days? When the time rolls around that South Park promotes acceptance and respect of transgender people, it's seriously time for you to rethink your stances in life if you have not already realized that transgender people deserve acceptance and respect. Tonight's episode of South Park was what I needed. I feel a lot better about myself and the world I live in as a transgender person now. Thank you Trey and Matt for giving me a positive motivational speech that not even my own mother would give me."

    What you may mean by respect remains to be defined.

    I see you like to watch cartoons and to you that is an indication of what seven billion persons think of transgendered persons.

    The people who transgendered them have no respect for them at all or they would not have done that. One has no choice but to accept that some people have been victimized by psychopaths in that business or that some of the victims are very enthusiastic about the outcome.

    Again, what you may mean by respect remains to be defined.

    To me in this particular case respect would be unwillingness to disfigure persons for profit just because one can do so. To me the health and physical integrity of each unique human being is of greater value than the financial profit that can be made by taking advantage of people with maladaptive perceptual and cognitive schemas.

    I do not care to formulate my opinions of the real world and of real human beings by an infotainment consisting of absurd cartoons designed to make you look while advertisers make a pitch.

    The real world of human beings is far more complex and far more dangerous for that matter.

    So from your particular metric (a cartoon infotainment, South Park) for whether or not people respect transgenders there is no connection to reality and thus no answer in the format you favor.

  • I think the biggest issue is that many do not understand it. Don't get me wrong, that is NO excuse to be a douchebag towards transgendered people, but I just think that the whole idea is tainted with social taboo and misconceptions. Transgendered people aren't a dime a dozen. I've never met anyone truly transgendered. I've heard that some homophobic people change their perspective of homosexuals after getting to know one personally, so I believe that that fact would apply to this, too, and that understanding is going to be crucial in having the transgendered community be more accepted by society.

  • The one night I miss the new episode of South Park, and it addresses trans people??? Seriously? I mean, I know I'll catch the episode again within the next couple of days, because Comedy Central's gonna play it a lot between now and the next new episode, but... damn. I was JUST saying literally a week ago that I wished South Park could seriously focus on trans issues to clean up the huge mess they made with Mr. Garrison's story line.

    Gotta love that show.

  • My only experience with a transgendered person was very negative. This person was very mean spirited woman that used to be a very mean spirited man. Her own family hated her and she had very few friends because she was so bitter. If I met a person that was transgendered that was not an ahole I would treat them as I would anyone else. I haven't seen the new South Park yet but I will watch it tomorrow.

  • Agree, I don't know why people care so much, I think they just don't understand, it's hard to understand if you are not transgendered.

    I've never minded if people are transgendered, they are just humans, like anybody else. And what one does with ones body is ones choice.

  • Considering there are still people who have a problem with interracial dating or women working outside the house, it shouldn't be surprising that some people still won't accept transgender people. Closed minds will never go away.

  • South park is a stupid show and I don't disrespect transgender people but I don't agree with their lifestyle either.

  • ...

    Transgender are more respected than ever before, in these modern times. What's up with your head ?

  • I have no respect for anyone.

    We seem to live in this age were everybody is all respect and blah blah. bullshit.

    I never got respect from anybody.

    I got called fat and ugly and gay and everything else because i was an overweight introvert who dispised stupid people.

    They never accepted me, therefore none of thwm deserve ****

  • South Park, the revolutionaries of change and social progress :)

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