True or false sleep fact...?

I read somewhere that our bodies "recharge" better at night the sooner before midnight we get to sleep. In other words, hitting the hay at 9:30 PM is better than hitting the hay at 11:30, even if you get up at 7 AM both days. Is this true?


  • Here’s an overly simplistic explanation of sleep: it’s part of the circadian rythym of life and is hardwired into the biology of persons and animals. Your brain wants to sleep when it gets dark and wake when it is light.

    That’s partly true, but it’s not the whole story. A more precise explanation is that the sleep cycle stems from an interaction between the circadian clock and a separate sleep-wake homeostatic process. The "sleep homeostat" is, roughly, an accounting of the amount of sleep you’ve experienced recently. It causes the sleep drive to be based on how much sleep you’ve got in the past, and is directly related to the concept of sleep debt or sleep deficit. The sleep homeostat is similar to the hunger homoestat. If you haven’t eaten in a while, you’re likely to be hungry regardless of the time of day. If you had a feast at lunch, you may not be hungry come dinnertime. Likewise, if you’ve stayed awake all night, you’ll probably feel like sleeping in the morning, even if the Sun is up.

    However, that’s not to say that the circadian cycle doesn’t matter. Cues such as daylight and regularly scheduled social and family activity have powerful influences on how sleepy or awake a person feels. These cues affect the internal clock. Disturbances of the normal circadian rhythmicity can result in serious health consequences, including psychiatric disorders, such as depression.

    Blind people often experience sleeping problems because their retinas are unable to detect light and they don’t have the circadian cues of daylight and night. Shift workers try to run their lives out of sync with light and dark cycles and consequently have problems.

    So, after 12 hours of full light, your body starts getting ready to rest, and the earlier in the cylce, the better quality of sleep.

  • It is true to the point that you would get more hours of sleep, but your body doesn't recharge until you enter a REM cycle, which takes about 4 hours of sleep before reaching.

  • Ok : according to " Sleep it is an true fact that every one

    gets 24hrs of good rest at night& also next day we'd would

    be Refreshed and healthy People of today say yes it's very

    important "!

    known by ( Foods& Nutrition Service Employee)

  • Yes it's true. (note, if time didn't matter, 9:30 PM would still be better seeing as u get more sleep tat way)

  • True and it is also better for your heart to take naps during the day and the older you get the less sleep you need! Believe or not but its true!!

  • i will inform you for confident approximately 8 and six. Cockroaches can stay for a week with their heads decrease off, and can slip out of sealed ziploc bags. the reason human beings suspected their ineffective kin grew to grow to be vampires replaced into simply by fact whilst they opened a coffin and regarded on the corpse, it looked as though it would have longer hair and nails. rather what happens is the floor receeds, giving off the visual attraction of improve. lol ineffective minutiae

  • True. The more sleep you get, the better and more awake you will be in the morning.

  • well yea its true. if you go to bed at 930 one night and 1130 the next night the first night your getting two extra hours of sleep.

  • hell yeah that's true,when you go to sleep on time your body heals it's self, that why we sleep so the body can heal it's self after the long day.

    it has to do with serotonin and melanoma, the serotonin helps you sleep the darker your room is.

  • True

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