Emo poser girl at my school >.>?
Okay so theres this girl in my school, and idk if she notices or not, but she looks like a complete poser. On her Facebook, her profile pictures are all "emo" pictures. You know, those little Pon and Zi cartoons? And those drawings of those emo guys and those little emo people chibi things or whatever? She's got like 20 of them. Yeah. If she breaks up w/ her boyfriend she goes "My heart is broken...ohh...my heart is SPLIT IN HALF" and then she says she likes and knows all these supposedly "emo" bands and shows! It P***** ME OFF so much! And she hasn't even heard 5 seconds of some of these bands' songs. And the only reason she SUPPOSEDLY likes these shows and bands is because SHE thinks they're "emo". She's turning great shows like True Blood into her idea of a little emo kid show! And she takes FREAKING PICTURES OF HERSELF WITH HER HAIR COVERING HER EYE with a little pout on her face and some thin eyeliner! I'm sorry but GEEZ. It just really p****** me off when she says she knows all of these bands and everything when she really never has and stuff like that...
Update:lmao! today during lunch she put her hair in front of her eye and said "I just feel like...so emo" XD
Everyone has at least one girl at there school like that. Theres this one girl, joey, at my school (who is an absolute b, btw) and this one day I was really pissed because I was wearing an Asking Alexandra tee (before they got so big) and she's like "oh my god, are you seriously wearing a shirt like that? You know you're not into them" first off, she has absolutely no idea who I am. Sure, I may wear pink and purple and cute skirts, but that doesn't mean I'm not into metal. So I completely told her off, naming literally every song, telling her her "emo" hair cut looked greasy, fake, and down right ugly and a bunch more stuff. Then, since she had a A7X (not even the death core she's supposedly into) pin on her backpack, and I asked her to name me an album, or even a song. She said "umm, Hate Me?" That's right, a COB song. By then a bunch of kids had gathered and everyone knew how much of a fake she was..... I suggest embarrassing her the same... Or if she posts a band on fb ask her about them the next day, etc. But this emo people (secene people as I call them) are what's ruining the music ahah,
Emo People Drawings
My style was "emo" before all the posers came.
Now I'm embarrassed to be classified as "emo" cuz of them.
I HATE people like that, with usernames like "killmyslowly" or "imsoemo" and sh*t like that.
She's just a poser, and try asking her the lead singer of one of the bands. I love doing that to people
...and then they can't answer you and they look stupid as f*ck. 
i know it pisses you off , i know people like that at my school. they try to act "ghetto".
BUT, what does it have to do with you, is she your friend? if she is, why don't you tell her how you feel? she will get angry, but who cares, it's bothering you, so tell her about it, just to clear things up. even so, if you don't like her, don't be around her.
have you ever thought that she might be trying to find her identity? maybe she has an interest in emo "culture". you can't criticize, because at one point in time, everyone wants to find their true identity. you'll go through it, just like everybody else. for example, a girl in my school claimed to be lesbian, she had a girlfriend. then she became bisexual, now she's straight? she was trying to find what she really wanted. yes, it was very irritating, but who gives a damn. her life not mine.
you just have to block this girl out, because obviously she's stressing you out. easier said than
done, i know.
good luck.
She might just want to fit in with that group... i know one of my friends went all emo because she had a crush on this guy who was.... there might be a reason behind her actions, or maybe she just really doesnt know hwo she is and is trying to figure it out
hope i helped
Dude! I hate people like this too. So many of my "friends" will hate on the music I listen to for so long then post it on there FB like "oh I love it so much" and it's like ok... it's obviously an attempt for attention.
There's gunna be a lot of people like this in yor life. Be glad that your original because even though it may seem like she's getting this attention and stuff people will get smart (hah) and see her as you do.
Your in highschool right? Everyones so dumb in highschool and will fall for anything. haha
Lol she probably is a poser -.-
Not really though(: