Why does Obama see Americans as his enemy?

In an interview with Univision Obama said:

'we're going to punish our enemies and we're going to reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us' You'd think he was talking about the Taliban or Iranians but no he was talking about Americans who do not agree with him. Why would he call Americans "enemies"?


  • The Americans he sees as his enemy are the ones who support the rights of the 'individual' and are against collectivism, redistribution, and all the other marxist-socialist policies he holds as gospel.

    I am proud that obamadinejhad considers me as an enemy. You are known by the company you keep!

  • Little attention is needed to recognize that Obama intentions are to divide the Americans by race sex religion any way he can advance his agenda no matter the damage to this country. Enemies is exactly what he meant make no mistake about it.

  • So true. He views about half our country (Republicans) as his enemies.

    I feel so strongly about this statement he made that it is enough for me to think he has done what is referred to as treason and grounds for impeachment.

    To call half our country, who are hard working decent folks "the enemy" shows us what he truly thinks. We are citizens that he supposedly swore on the bible (which is a joke considering how he demonstrates very little faith at all) to represent ALL of us. He's not representing me and looking out for me at all, only if I were a Democrat.

    I feel he should be removed from that office, he is a disgrace.

  • The extra BO talks the extra it sound like 1930 Germany Watch the protection tension channel.frightening. Nov start up the genuine substitute do away with the Amnesty Bleeding hearts.Then in 2012 do away with BO.

  • Yes, he always has and we've been saying that from the beginning.

    He has spent his presidency intentionally destroying the USA and everything it ever stood for.

    He is our enemy, and so he considers us his enemy.

  • Obama and extremists like him view Christians and conservatives as enemies. Anyone else is preferable to them including terrorists.

  • Anyone who doesn't agree with him or stands up to him is his enemy. Look back at how many people he has booted out of the white house because they didn't agree with him and couldn't be bribed.

  • let me count the ways:

    His mom

    His Dad

    His Grandmother

    His Black theology Church

    Rev Wright

    His communist mentor(s) in Chicago

    Bill Ayers

    His Muslims friends

    His wife

    The democratic party


    and he is a lawyer or did he pass the bar?

    He went to a Muslim school in Kenya.

  • He himself is NOT one, thence real, legal , honest to goodness Americans are just that to him - enemies. Any wonder he favors illegal mexicans ? Well ?

  • That's simple, in his eyes, the Americans are his enemies, the libs, and left who hate this nation, and want to see it hobbled with tax and cap, and other loonie ideals are his friends. Anything to destroy this nation.

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