Thumbs down but no comment?

Seems some trolls on here enjoy giving the thumbs down, but can't be bothered to give an actual answer...

I recently posted an answer to a GWS question and got 10 thumbs down (and six thumbs up - yeah!... But anyway...), yet there were not even 10 answers to the question to begin with - and certainly none that vigorously argued against my answer.

This suggests to me that trolls are on patrol, clicking away at the thumbs down button just because they can.... But if you so disagree then why not post an answer explaining why?

If you actaully have a decent argument regarding a question here, I for one would like to hear it! Giving a thumbs down but no actual answer shows a lack of real thought.

I realise it's more of a rant than a question but I would like to hear people's opinions on the whole thumbs down gig.

What do you reckon locals?


  • Oh thumbs down mean nothing, nothing at all, unless they are given because someone is insulting.

    This place works most of the time like: "Them against Us". You can have an idea of who gives you thumbs downs depending on who has answered. Eventually it becomes amusing. For example the other day I got 5 thumbs up and 6 thumbs "opponent" got 6 thumbs up and 5 thumbs down. It is like a box match sometimes and very childish

    So many with very intelligent answers get a lot of thumbs down ;-)

    Also remember that some "contributors", have several accounts, some of them already with a 2nd level, so they can give thumbs up or down.

    Some other times people just give you thumbs down, because they don't like you, although it is really hard to know anyone in here.

    Edit to add: Some people just are not interested in having a debate, as it takes a lot of thinking, it is just easier too press that little button at the side of an answer ;-)

  • I give the thumbs down when I find something to be stupid or insulting, but don't want to start a debate with the person who left the comment and flood the thread with bickering that isn't relevant to the question initially asked.

    I can give the thumbs down to someone who, in my opinion, is missing the point of the question, or to someone who writes stuff like "IDK, LOL )))))", or just trolls away.

  • I think some people go after people they don't like, or they just want to be pests. I admit to giving thumbs down, but I always leave a comment as to why I did so. Otherwise, it's just childish.

  • Yes, I say the same thing. Often times even against seemingly logical posts. -- that's fine if you disagree, but if you do, why not post your own comment explaining why?

    (the obvious answer is they have no logical reason to disagree)

  • I have noticed that and have to agree with you there

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