do pap smears always detect hpv?

i just found out i have hpv (genital warts) i asked my ex when is the last time she had a pap smear and she said in November, and that all was fine. the doctor told me the type of hpv i have has a 2 year incubation time so i must have got it from her or could i have had it for a much longer time and now am getting symptoms,


  • A Pap test looks for abnormal cell changes. A woman after the age of 30 where abnormal cell have been found will have an HPV test that confirms you have one or more of the HPV types the HPV test screens for.

    An HPV test does not screen for all 30+ high and low risk HPV types. A single Pap test may miss abnormal cells.

    Screening for HPV is not included in normal STI screening.

    A Pap test is only screening for the cervix. There is no vulva cells that are taken with our Pap so an HPV infection that just involved the vulva may not show on in the HPV test or with the Pap screening.

    To learn more about the HPV test.

    Genital Warts

    Most visible genital warts are of low risk HPV types 6 or 11. Low risk HPV types are not screen for in an HPV test.

    It can take years for abnormal cells to develop.

    The incubation time for genital low risk HPV types are generally 3 to 8 months but they can show any time after the initial infection.

    You can have HPV and never show abnormal cell changes or visible genital warts. It is virtually impossible to know who infected who if both of you have engaged in any sexual activity before. At this time you both share your HPV type or types.

  • Pap smears normally do not test for HPV. What I think you are referring to is the culture which is done during an annual exam when testing for pre-cancerous or cancerous cells, many of which are caused by the HPV virus. Pap smears do not test for HPV. HPV is tested by an STD test, blood and/or vaginal, which is requested by the patient at the exam.

    Many types of HPV do not show up on STD test. Some people never develop warts at all and carry the virus, while most that do have an outbreak treat the condition once or twice and it disappears for extended periods of time - sometimes forever! Like your doctor said, the condition has a long incubation period so there is no telling where the virus came from.

    Remember you are not alone, and the best of luck to you and your girlfriend.

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    do pap smears always detect hpv?

    i just found out i have hpv (genital warts) i asked my ex when is the last time she had a pap smear and she said in November, and that all was fine. the doctor told me the type of hpv i have has a 2 year incubation time so i must have got it from her or could i have had it for a much longer time...

  • It depends...most doctors now automatically test for HPV when they perform the PAP smear but some do not. All the PAP smear test for is abnormalities in the cells. The HPV Test specifically tests to see if your abnormalities is caused by HPV or some other type of infection or if you have HPV and what strain.

  • penile cancer is VERY rare. Pap smears themselves on check for normal or abnormal cells on your cervix. there is no way to determine the high or low risk. you can have an abnormal pap smear and not have HPV as well. these seem like questions you should discuss with your doctor.

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  • no, they have to do a viral culture specific for hpv, and you have to ask the doctor to do it, they don't automatically do it with a pap.

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