Why do Medical science change Karma ?

...To all those who believe in Karma


Great Ape....What an example !!!!!!!

Have to run for my life.


  • Medical science doesnt change karma.....Medical science itself is result of karma (action) .

    A pure mind creates a pure world, and the wondrous Dharma is the perfect medicine to guide us to healthy thoughts, healthy behavior, and healthy lives.

  • I'd rather say that it could be because of Karma.If he has done a good karma along with the bad karma, the chances are that his defects would have been rectified by the doctor Many people think that Karma is fixed, its not that way, your present actions also has a bearings on your accumulated Karma. For example, you dont study for your exams,you're bound to fail.But you study on the day before exam,you're present action of studying at the last minute helps you to minize the effect you would be getting for not studying throughout the semester/year. So you may scrape through but you wont get a very god mark or you may fail but you wont fail by a huge margin.This is how Karma is balanced out

  • Medical science will only treat a disease or illness. It cant change karma of an individual. It has nothing to do with Karma.

    For Eg: If i break an earthen pot on your head, you have a great chance being saved by medical science. But if i decide to shove a bullet into your head at the right spot, chances are that medical science will ditch you. So your karma cant be changed by medical science...but it can be changed by you...It all depends on how much you piss me off !!

  • The word 'Karma' is derived from sanskrit word 'Kri" means action and also affect of action while Medical Science treat the ailment which could be cure i.e if action had gone some what wrong to certain limit it could be cure by Medical Science as well as by 'Spiritual Practice.

  • Karma the meaning and definition is not seemed to be understood properly . Jobs being carried out in medical science is also a Karma . Every one does his or her Karma pre determined as per the destiny But of course , karma is identified or bifurcated for Good and Bad .

    The Book " KARM YOG" explain in details about it with definition and illustration which may please be reviewed . 1000 of books written on it and its well explained

  • Karma is nothing but past impressions/thought patterns created in our mind. Only we can change that with the help of a psycho-analyst or a bonafide spiritual master so that we can stop acting according to past patterns and create new thought patterns and change our future.

  • Your funny,lol,Nobody can change your karma,but yourself.

  • ha ha ha ha.................it is impossible task. no body can change KARMA.EVEN GOD CAN NOT. the people who are believing in this type of theory they are really unknown to nothing. thanks.

  • It does not, what gave you that Idea?

  • i think it's trying to communicate with us

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