Does everybody you cry?

Does it take a lot to make you cry? Why don't boys cry in public?


  • Some cry more than others, but most everyone has the capacity to cry, they just have different trigger levels.

  • I think everybody cries at some point in there life. Some times people don't let some things that should bother them get them down.Kinda like a cold person.

    Boys don't cry in public because they are taught at a young age that boy's don't cry & to be strong.

    I hate it when you cry & no one gives a **** that you feel bad.

  • Only crazy people don't cry. No I'm just being a jerk.

    To answer your first question, nearly everyone cries at some point in their lives. Some don't sob out loud (just like some people don't laugh out loud), but their eyes get wet all the same.

    Second question: yes. When I lose a lover or a friend. That's about the only two times.

    Third question: It really takes a lot to make me cry. I didn't cry when my brother died. But like I said before, I only cry when a lover or a friend dies, and my brother went out of his way to make me his enemy. I suppose I wished I cried, just because he was my brother. But I did not.

    Fourth question: Boys in North America and Europe in 2010 don't cry because society expects them to appear strong and macho at all times, and crying would make them look weak. In ancient Greece, in Biblical times, in Eastern cultures, and in most places its okay for boys to cry in public. Our society is weird when it comes to boys crying in public. In the Bible, Jesus did it all the time.

  • There are people that don't cry for some reason. Whether it's their upbringing or some other thing. These are the ones that need to cry, to feel human. I cry very easy because I'm emotional.

  • i think of that in the event that they are trustworthy with themselves and each physique else, each and every physique could say that they cry or a minimum of tear up on occasion. I cry. only have been given executed crying. a lot of issues make me cry. movies, music, rigidity, loneliness, etc.

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