
  • I am fairly confident (about 98% positive) that there are no vampires in this world. That is by the movie definition of a vampire (blood sucking, fangs, can't be in direct contact with sunlight, etc.)

    There are people who believe themselves to be vampires, but they are just goths who only wish themselves to be such. I used to know someone who claimed he was a vampire, but he was just a gothic person. In fact, he had a normal job during the day. There is a vampire society, but again, they are not immortal, or die in sunlight, or anything like that.

  • Yes, vampires do exist. However, vampires are not immortal, nor do they have any of the other characteristics as those portrayed in books and movies. A vampire can not be made either.

    Vampires are normal humans who were born with an energy deficiency. They obtain this energy from willing people.

    There are two general types of vampires: sanguine and psychic.

    Sanguine vampires get the energy from blood (usually without biting but with a sharp blade), while psychic vampires can get their energy from chi by touching someone.

  • Hi there,

    Many people (including me) take an intrest in vampires. They are, after all, one of the most amazing fictional characters. But, if you search vampires on wikipedia, it says they are FICTIONAL. Meaning they are not real. That is, the vampires everyone is familiar with (blood drinking, bat transforming, fang having, immortal beings) aren't real...

    But, some people believe so deeply in vampires that they join cults, or groups of people whom believe the same as them. They sleep in the day, and are up at night. They perform rituals and some even drink human or animal blood.

    I find it a bit sick myself, but it's their choice.

    Here's where I got some info:

    Have a nice day!!

  • yes they do...i know that it may sound crazy but i didn't know this for sure until a few months ago. i am not crazy or on any meds, or need a psych evaluation. i know 2 vamps. vampires don't want to be known in the community. they don't want people to think that they are just crazy and are pretend...they are not. they are as real as us human are. they are not immortal, they don't burn up in the sun. they hate sun when exposed for like the whole day. the ones i know can eat garlic too, they have special powers..but so does everyone else (people just need to know what they can do and believe that they can do things) and also they can be around crucifixes..but they just get very uncomfortable...if people only could extend their imaginations. when everyone was little they could see ghosts. people believe in ghosts but nothing else?? thats bull sh!t !!!

  • No vampires dont exist but there are people who try to make people believe they are vampires. They do it because they think it would be cool to be one and then they see signs that are just normal and have watched vampire movies and think that those signs mean that they are vampires. It is retarded.

  • I personally don't think vampires exist. However, there are people who claim they are vampires out there. I just think these people are deeply interested in the myth (and I understand that because it's so interesting!)...but it is not HUMANLY possible to be a vampire. It's just not practical....and if there were, you'd be hearing more stories about people having encounters with them wouldn't you? That's my two cents.

  • Yes they do. Don't call her dummy or anything rude. Think about it....there are several groups around the world that have real vampires-although they never are the way they are portrayed in folklore stories.

    There are people with immune definency diseases that are in need of blood, through blood transfusions and such-and some very well do get it from other people-but through only those in their group, not random people on the street.

    Why don't you go google it before jumping to conclusions.

  • No.

    I had a friend from Mexico who says in his village there was a guy who died and three nights later, people swear they saw him on the water tower. He'd ripped off the head of a pig and was drinking it's blood.

    Do I believe that actually happened? No.

  • Yes, but not in the traditional sense. I have a friend who is a practicing vampire and she doesn't eat meat, avoids the sun, drinks her own blood, and doesn't believe in sex. It's weird but she's a cool person so it's easy to overlook the craziness.....

  • 'Mystery5' has come with the same words I intended to use before me. 'vampire' bats are found in Latin America. Thay suck blood from exposed skin (they don't care whether it is a human or animal) of their sleeping victim like musquitoes do. It has wing span of about 1 foot. 'Draculin' in its saliva prevents blood from clotting while it laps it. Infected bats also carry Rabies virus that may prove to be fatal to their prey.

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