costa rica or mexico?

san jose, costa rica


guanajuato, mexico

it is for a study abroad for a month. i studied in Granada, Spain last summer so i am used to Spain Spanish.

What would the weather be like in these places during june/july? do either have a beach? what other landscapes do they have?

What types of things are there to do in these places? Where is more culture?

Which place has a better night life?

Where would i learn better spanish? my teacher next year for spanish 5 is from spain.

I'm not worried about the "safter" place to be. i would be with a group.

anything else you can add?


  • June/July in Mexico is the rainy season.

    There is no beach in Guanajuato, you're about half way between the Pacific and Caribbean coasts, actually.

    I would guess that Guanajuato would have more 'culture' because it is less touristy and a smaller town than San Jose. I know there are some ruins fairly closeby, and at least one national park.

    If your teacher is from Spain, and you've already studied in Spain, you'll probably only make your spanish worse (in the teacher's opinion, at least) by studying in Latin America. Mexican Spanish, however, will serve you best living in the U.S.

    I highly recommend experiencing Mexico.

  • I don't know anything about Guanajuato other than what i've read here. I did travel in Costa Rica this spring, though. It's got its pros and cons. San Jose is not the nicest of cities. Our hotel was in a very nice area, but as soon as the sun set, there were hookers and shady characters on every corner. There wasn't that much to see in the city, or at least, that's what pretty much everyone told us. We only stayed a few nights and traveled the rest of the country as much as possible. There is PLENTY to see in the areas around San Jose - short daytrips from the capital. And you can get to the beach on weekends, as well. The people were friendly and rather open to U.S. Americans - it's one the few countries that don't have any historical grudges against the U.S. It also isn't terribly cheap there, so if budget is a consideration, you may be better off in Mexico. But Costa Rica is a very, very beautiful country. Hope that helps.

  • Guanajuato is a beautiful historical city with great architecture, stond streets and interesting museums. Historically and culturally Guanajauto is more interesting.

    Neither has a beach, but San Jose is closer to beaches than Guanajuato (2-3 hours to nearest one by bus).

    They are about the same for night life.

    The quality of Spanish instruction will depend more on the spefic place you study than the country. Costa Rican Spanish is more neutral and with Columbian Spanish is closer to Spain's Spanish than Mexican Spanish. However, Mexican Spanish is what most Latinos in the U.S. speak.

  • I have never been to Guanajuato, but I have been to Costa Rica. SAn Jose is very cool great night life and a lot to do there. San Jose is really hot but I think June/July is the rainy time since they are just getting off summer. Unfortunately there are no beaches in San Jose but here are beaches near like 40 min to 3 hrs, the surfing is insane and the beaches are beautiful.

    Mexico is really beautifully but is incredibly unsafe. They say Guanajuato is beautiful and the night life is very good too.

    If I may make a suggestion why don`t you come to my country Guatemala, it is just beneath MX, we hae beautidull lakes, jungle, volcanoes, beaches the night life is pretty cool and the sites are gorgeous.

  • Mexico, I had been there

    June would be hot

    Mexico has beautiful beaches, cancum, acapulco, Zochimilco is nice place to visit and the Piramid. There are many things to do.

    Mexico, I haven't been in Costa Rica

    Any Spanish country...The only difference is the accent

    The better night life ....I think Mexico, I'm not from Mexico but I had been there. I don't know about Costa Rica, I herd is beautiful.

    I like a city called Tasco, also I herd Yucatan. I visited Acapulco, Mexico City, Mazatlan and many other

  • I went to a school in Guanajuato. The climate is wonderful. Not too hot and not too cold. Whatever you do, stay with a family and enjoy the experience. I have visited San Jose and it is a huge city of over a million while Guanajuato has about 80,000. Both are in mountainous regions. Go and have fun because either one will be a unique experience.

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