Please GUY HELP NOW! im desparate.?

ok so me and this guy are seriousely, best freinds. He calls me his best freind all the time. I have had a MAJOR crush on him since we met tho. Sometimes he (since were sooo close) pretends to ask me out, but when i fall for it and say yes he'll be like GOTCHA! and ill be like i love u to much to decline u for something like that. so he thinks i dont like him, but i still do. He smiles at me and stares at me in the hall way. he tels me to meet him places. but theres also this other girl that i think he likes. Im a year younger than him, and this girl is his age. Shes really pretty and he likes to talk about her, but im getting some serious mixed signals. HELLP!!!


  • If this guy is willing to play with your heart by joking around about going out and then saying "GOTCHA", that isn't right and you deserve better. Wait for someone who doesn't ridicule or poke fun at your feelings.

  • Ask him to hang out somewhere after school where u can have a good time and then sit for awhile and chat. Bring the conversation around to the point of what do u think of me? And if positive, ask him after all this time why he has not asked u would u rather just be friends? Be careful though if u value the friendship and u move forward to dating this guy and it does not work out the friendship may not be able to continue especially if one or the other has hurt feelings. This is the tough Q. Keep in mind what you see him as bf or just good friends. Its a tough one but u need to ultimately decide.

  • Wow! Those are some mixed signals. Well, you say you two are pretty close friends, so I would recommend that you invite him over and have a serious talk with him about your true and honest feelings. If you can't do it face to face then at least over the phone. It sounds scary but you'll find out the truth that way. It probably is weighing on your already stress wise and your wondering whats going on in his head, but at least if you talked to him, you would get a final answer either way. Best of luck to ya hunn!

  • I used to do that with my best friend all the time...she responded the same and said yes. The problem is that as a guy we are sarcastic around the girls we like. That's just how we are, but we don'tt know if your kidding of not because we're being sarcastic. I can tell you that he probibly does like you but he wonders if you like him...tell him how you feel next time he asks you or just come out and ask him. Be sure to let him know that your not kidding.

    GOOD LUCK!!!

  • Well...the only thing you can do is really talk to him...

    You have to tell him how you feel before anything happens with that girl. The best relationships come out of friendship. Have a day where you both can sit down and talk about it. Tell him how you feel and explain your situation, than his signals will come clear to you what he thinks of you.

  • It's weird right now because you suddenly have to shift from friend mode to date mode. Nevertheless you should share your feelings, because hiding them has created an inauthentic situation. You have feelings, but you have to go around pretending not to have them. Take a risk and say what you feel. It's not really that risky because the only thing you're sacrificing is an inauthentic friendship where you hide what's really going on.

  • Most people would say 2 confront him, which would be good, but i'm WAY too much of a chicken to ever confront a guy I like.

    Why don't you ask your friends what they think, ya know, if they think he likes you? Or, why don't you, more easily, just ask if he likes her. When I don't like a guy, I still wanna know who he likes!

    If he doesn't like her, then there's a better chance that he likes you, right? Do you think that he would tell you the truth if you asked him?

  • ok so yeah i have a friend exactly like that. i am not even kidding except were the same age. ANYWAYS so yeah i would ask him (in a flirty way) who he likes and say u think he likes this other girl. see what he says but otherwise i wouldnt do anything because u dont want to mess up ur friendship!

    good luck!!

  • Serious. Guys like to have friends. Some of them will be females and some males. When a woman accepts a man, she accepts who he is and hardly anyone wants to be without friends of both genders. The proud moments are when you can say to all the girls he is mine and mine to share and keep. Look on and keep dreaming. That usually boost a man's ego to know his female companion trust him enough to have friends of the opposite gender who will look on in admiration from a distance.

  • hahaha well he seems like a really nice guy and i know this probably is not what you want to hear but... just talk to him about it haha harder than it sounds but don't full out say i like you. maybe just slide it into the convo real slow and be joking but not really. if hes your best friends then you should be able to talk to him about anything. Haha he seems like he likes you so just go to him and say hey, i need to ask you something. do you have anything feelings for me? if not that's totally cool we can be friends but i just wanna know bc i think i might like you. and just see what he says haha whats the worst that could happen? he says no and your in the same spot your in now! hahaha good luck!

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