Do you think self-esteem affects beauty?


  • it affects the inner beauty leaving the outer , unaffected.

    Whenever i look at the mirror , i see myself , refracting the pains and reflecting the pleasures.

    self esteem will defenitly affect your social behaviour.

  • It affects a persons inner beauty which will eventually affect their outer beauty, so the answer is yes.

  • Yes, but it affects beauty in the way that the person grooms themselves & it affects their expressions & social skills so they do actually appear more attractive.

  • I think so, because when I look in the mirror and I am happy I usually feel very good about myself. If I think I look ugly I don't think I'm as confident as I would be otherwise

  • yes, It affects the inner beauty of a person. which will eventually affect their outer beauty of that person.

  • No. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Aww damn. Does it make them more or less beautiful? I hope it doesn't make them less since that would mean I'm extremely ugly...

  • To some extent, yes.

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