public transport from Bronx, NY to Danbury CT ?

Is there a public transport availble from Bronx, NY to Danbury, CT


  • Get yourself from the Bronx to Grand Central. Once at Grand Central,

    Take the Metro-North's New Haven Line to Danburry, CT. Good luck.


  • Danbury Public Transportation

  • My friend, you didn't say where in the Bronx you're coming from, but if you know how to get to the Metro-North Station on Fordham Road, you can take the New Haven Line from there to Norwalk, where a transfer can be made to the Danbury Branch to Danbury.

    A round trip intermediate ticket from Fordham to Danbury via Norwalk will cost you $16.50.

    Good luck

  • Yes. Go over to the Fordham train station and take the Metro-North Danbury Branch. You can also catch the train at 125th Street & Park Avenue or at Grand Central in Manhattan.

    I hope this information was very helpful.

  • Yes you can take a train

    Go to MTA or Metra North

    YOu could put in where in the bronx

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