Why Do Conservatives oppose Minimum wage...?


  • Well it's tricky to call it a human right. Those who oppose the minimum wage usually invoke the fear of automatization(people being replaced by machines) of the job or that the regulation would crowd out the number of workers. Some conservatives disagree with it leaning heavily on free-market principles, the idea that employers compete with each other while employees compete with each other and both of them reach equilibrium (the wage). Unfortunately, economics as it currently stands, does not have an universal rule for this...sometimes the minimum wage helps other times it hurts. So the debate usually goes to free-market v. intervention.

    Here's a video showing the opposition: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ct1Moeaa-W8

    Note it is funded by a libertarian think tank but it does illustrate the opposition side you were asking about.

  • Firts of all Conservatives do not oppose a minimum wage, we already have one. The idea of raising it from 7.25 to 15.00 in one move we do oppose. I have heard all the talk about big corporations and the profits they gather but the fact is most McDonalds are franchises owned by a local mom an pop. The corporate profits come from franchise fees etc. Mom and pop make their money selling burgers. The local dry cleaner, the service station, (also a franchise) the little cafe in town they all are privately owned.

    Now imagine it is your business and you have 10 minimum wage workers Today they cost you 72.50 an hour but we tell them they must pay 15.00 and hour an increase of 7.75 per hour. That increases at ten people the weekly costs for the employer by 3,100.00 a week. The annual additional expense is 161,200.00 per year. Now that mom and pop with the franchise they had were clearing perhaps 100,000 a year the way it was and will now be losing 61,000 dollars a year. They will have to...A. reduce the staff to 5 people or B. increase prices or C. close the business. I do not object to an increase, but to suddenly double a wage simply makes no sense at all. Gradual one dollar increases over say 6 or seven years I can see but all at once WILL cost jobs and close businesses and increase prices.

  • Because it is not a Natural Right. A min wage is simply a start wage on your way up the merit based economic ladder. The more you learn? The more you are valued as a worker. The more you make.

    Besides, IF you take your BIG photo as true? Do you understand that other wages will rise in response? Do you realize the tax revenue into State coffers that results? Do you understand the upward pressure on prices? A cycle that will repeat until the benefit in raising min wage is cancelled out. Which means a repeat in the cycle every 6 months into infinity. Until the system collapses.

    BUT, tax coffers will be overflowing. Exactly why the Libs push to increase min wage. The tax revenues are falling short of spending and borrowing.

  • Where the hell do you get the idea that a minimum wage is a human right? You have a right to work where you wish if the employer wants to meet your salary requirements. You don't have a right to a minimum wage based on government mandate.

  • I'm a 15 year old in Australia with a part-time job, earning almost $2.50/hour more than what my 23 year old friend does (she gets paid minimum wage.)

    Of course getting paid is a right, but a minimum wage itself is not a right - unfortunately. Minimum wages are absolutely necessary. Here in Australia, for adults, it's $15.65 (USD). In England, it's $10.59 (USD). In the US, it's $7.25 at federal level, correct me if I'm wrong. The highest minimum wage is in Washington, set at $9.25.

    Without a minimum wage, you Americans would be getting paid even lower. It's a basic human right because without the minimum wage, your country would fail and grow to become an economic wasteland

    Oh, wait...

  • It isn't a right. Your little rant just proves you don't know what a right is.

    BTW if you really want to see a rise in the pay in this country then you should be lobbying for enforcement of our immigration laws as illegals keep wages artificially low by being willing to work at or below that rate.

  • Because Liberals make up their own human rights as they go along at a extreme cost to prosperity of others.

  • an where would these mom an pop stores get the money to pay 15 an hour,, no where, which would put a lot of business out of business, this country is made up mostly of mom an pop stores,, think things through before you post foolishness

  • Because we dont want to pay 10 dollars for a dozen of eggs.

  • Because it will raise the cost of living on the poor and middle class

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