How to turn my dog back into a puppy?

please i belive in the super natural and magic i just wanna turn my dog back into a puppy so i can raise him the right way and show him lots of love before its too late please i know its possible but i dont know where to look


  • you rnight need god's help to do that, but not sure if he'd do it, if you rniss hirn being a puppy so rnuch, get another puppy to play with your dog

  • try posting this bullshit in mental health child

  • I think this is a troll post... Nobody is really this stupid.

  • You have to take a picture of the dog and the put a few drops of your own blood with the dog then you must get a few hairs from the dog . Next you must keep the picture with your dogs hair and a few drops of blood in your hand , and when your dog is outside wait for him to take a poop . When he poops you must hurry up and eat the poop as quick as you can. In the next three days your dog will become a puppy again I have done this many times and trust me It works.

  • If wishes were all winning raffles tickets..... we'd all be rich. You are welcome to your beliefs, but you cannot change the facts of life, or bend time, as far as anybody knows... Therefore, live in the NOW and make the best of what time you have left, with the dog you have now.

  • If you want to start being kind to your dog, best start now. The past is another country. And it's one you don't have a passport for. You can look out of the plane windows at it, but you aren't allowed to land. If you were bad to your dog when he was a puppy, shame on you. Now show him you do love him and want to treat him right, starting now, before the ASPCA comes calling. I'm afraid you are doomed to disappointment in your belief in the supernatural and in magic.

  • If you beat anything enough...animals, dogs, kids...they'll do what you want. And if they die, well...shoulda done what you told'em.

  • Yeah, it's not possible.

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