Partner uses escorts ?

I found out my partner uses escorts, onlyfans, and has a porn addiction. when I confronted him about it he lied, but the only reason I found out he uses escorts is because I found a hidden photo album on his phone with videos of them performing sexual acts, before he told me he would just look at escorts online but never actually use them. I went and got tested and found out he gave me chlamydia, the only hard part is I’m pregnant and unable to leave him. He’s told me he changed and I don’t find anything on his phone anymore, but I don’t really look anymore because I’m scared to find something I’d rather just not know. Everytime I ever do bring up anything remotely about his cheating he’ll get angry, he doesn’t want to talk about it and tells me to move on and that we’re moving on. This all happened at the beginning of last year, so it still very much affects me but I don’t show it. Do you think someone like him can truly change or he’s just hiding it better? I have his location 24/7 but who’s to say he doesn’t leave his phone at work and go to see escorts. I’m very paranoid and tired of living like this, I don’t deserve this


  • Give your baby up for adoption when they are born and leave this partner forever. 

  • So what makes you think that you "can't" leave someone just because you're pregnant?  That makes no sense.

  • You didn't mention if you were married to him or not. No, not acceptable behaviour.  Yes, possibly a sex - addiction. Sadly, you can't change him, only he can do that. If he wants help, he should go and get help. See your dr and have tests for STD.  I would say you need to protect yourself, physically and emotionally from this person.No, you don't deserve it but only you can change that by leaving him and the relationship. best of luck.

  • Sad story. Did you have a question besides 

    the useless one regarding what I think are 

    the chances he can truly change? Let's say 

    I say yes, he can change -- do you think it 

    would actually be really true, just because 

    some stranger on the internets said so? 

    Instead of wasting your time with this 

    nonsense, you should be figuring out 

    how you can become independent so 

    that you CAN leave him.

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