Dobermans as Pets.......?

When im older I would love to have a doberman but because they have such a bad rep and the sources I have read all say that they were bred to be 'violent' dogs im not so sure. I would be worryied in case they turned on me spontaniously or whatever and if i had kids what would they be like with them? I know people say that with the right training their fine but was actually is the right trainig? Do they need more than other dogs?


  • Any dog can have any behaviour, it all depends on how they are trained. If they are socialized with the kids when they are puppies of course they will get along, so if you want kids, have them before you decide to get the dog. No matter what though, always supervise, no dog should be left alone with small children. All dogs require the same need, some need more, some need less. Like Dobermans will need more space than a Chihuahua. If trained and loved and cared for all dogs are great companions.

  • Dobermans are lovely dogs, if ou have one from a pup they are great cause then you can train them how you like i have had 3 dobermans in my life all from rspca and had been abused and stuff one i had was a girl and had been beaten and was so small cos she couldnt grow properly because of how she was treated and another had been abused and his ears had been cropped so badly they where just scarred but they where still lovely dogs even after all they had been through so having one from a pup and training them properly i cant imagine how nice they would be. because of there size i would say they need a little bit more than ther dogs but just things like making sure they dont drag you when you go on a walk and things like that with a good upbringing any dog is a nice dog ive got pittbull x staffie and everyone said he would be violent but he is a great dog!

  • Doberman's can be great pets. My friends got one not too long ago, he is almost full grown now and he is huge!! Just make sure you have the space necessary. But his temperament is amazing and he came from a terrible BYB and he has been great and soooo easy ot train. He pretty house broke himself and has done great with general commands. The only thing that I don't like about him is that he is VERY demanding and will make a lot and hit you when he wants to be played with but that's more because of the owner and it's not his fault.

  • First off anna pitbulls are just as good of pets as any other dogs.any dog can be a sweet pet lovable and sweet but its how the owner treats the pet.Pitbulls for a example they are used for fighting which means they dont get alot of attention instead they have to fight for they attention so its the ownere that decides if the dog is good i strongly suggest a doberman for you because they really are sweet i have 3 and they are great so yes.

  • They are great. If you get one and youre not sure how to train it enlist the help of a professional.

  • all dogs need training, exercise, socialization, grooming and vet care

    need to live in house with family

    need fenced yard and supervision when out in it

    depends on dog and training

    depends on dog and breeding


    depends on your training methods

  • Dobermans are like any other dog.

    Just avoid pit bulls!

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