ADD preschooler??

My son is 4 years old and I am concerned he may have ADD. I was diagnosed ADD in middle school and my son's father was severely ADHD and has many other mental health issues. Can anyone give me some information on Preschoolers with ADD and treatment options (I would like to treat this without the use of medication if possible) I would like to stress that he is not at all aggressive, his issues are mainly with constant movement and inattentiveness.


  • Instead of labeling him with a brain problem, look at him as being a kinesthetic learner - one who learns on the move and by doing. You sound like you'd be the perfect parents to facilitate his learning.

    Spend your time with him taking walks and learning the environment around you inside and out. Play sports games together and adapt things like 'red light green light' to little quizzes that pass on information.

    You can draw huge maps on the ground of places all over the world, walk through these maps with him and learn geography, talk about the important events from those regions, or what the people are like.

    Cooking together can work, especially with taffy, bread kneading, cutting veggies, etc.

    Garden together - give him tasks that suit him and you have lots of time to talk and teach and just be together. You can count, measure, dig, plan by color, size, shape etc.

    I hope he's not in school, which is inappropriate for all kids his age, and certainly for an active boy. Also, it can't hurt to look at the Feingold Diet.

  • There is nothing wrong with him, My son is three, he does the same thing, he never sits still and often times runs off. I wondered about adhd, many times but all the dr's say it's too early to test. Meanwhile, I have elimated all sugar. At home we do more contructive things together, more reading books, more talking about school and more physical activities, riding bikes, playing with toys etc. They are just young and have active imaginations and active bodies. Maybe he's just too smart and he's not being challenged enough so he has to find something else to fill that void.

  • A lot of kids that age are constantly moving and/or inattentive. I wouldn't worry about it just yet. Give it about 3-4 more years and if it still persists than you might start worrying,

  • you have gotten some super suggestion and a few no longer so super suggestion. here is mine! I actual have an 11 12 months previous nephew that had a super style of the same behaviors as a newborn. He substitute right into a sprint hellion! He did no longer relatively communicate (basically his mom "understood" him, i'm no longer likely confident if she relatively did!) He might have terrible fits, he had weird and wonderful obessions the easy change substitute into his popular. He might turn it on and stale all day in the event that they permit him. This substitute into all earlier approximately 3, so my sister (on the request of my mom) spoke of as the college district and set up an assessment. He substitute into clinically determined with distinctive subject concerns, including sensory, actual, and developemental subject concerns. He substitute into given an expert diagnosis of PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Delays-no longer in any different case precise) He began actual,occupational,and speech therapy until approximately 4 or so. as quickly as he began college the remedies began to decelerate. besides, he's now clinically determined with Asperger's Syndrome that's on the same spectrum as Autism and that i've got faith upload/ADHD will nonetheless be starting to be a member of the spectrum to boot. do no longer enable this scare you my nephew is incredibly bright (interior the proficient software) he nonetheless has some habit subject concerns that basically drugs look to artwork, he's on GFCF weight loss plan and has some "quirks". he's an remarkable youngster and is working on his subject concerns. the factor of my e book, is communicate on your son's physician, perchance set up an assessment. Your son will actual savor the sorting out, they think of they're "enjoying" and that they've a blast and perchance you would be waiting to relax slightly less complicated as quickly as the eval. is accomplished. reliable success!

  • i looked it up on msn and found some interesting stuff.... i will put the link below and you really should take a look at it. also go to and in the search bar type adhd in preschool aged children and there are many articles. hope this helps

  • #1 if you have a "mental problem" and your husband has many mental health issues then why are you having a child??? Now that i have made my mean comment and I didn't want to sound mean but its just an honest question. #2 Keep your child active, give him lots of activities to do. Having him playing group sports that way he is interacting with other kids his age.

  • he's 4...give it at least until he's six years old to start worrying about ADD. he's at an age where it's normal to be a little hyper and scatterbrained.

  • keep him off medication it does not help it will make him twitch all the time

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