What do seals drink?

I know that as a human drinking salt water would send me insane and then kill me, but I presume that this doesn't affect sea mammals such as seals yes? they must drink sea water, I can't imagine them "popping inland" for a drink. if so then what is the difference in our physical make up?


  • seals drink sea water, only their kidneys are adapted to it's environment, so this are the responsibles of getting rid of all the salt excess and keep them working correctly, as well as having really adapted lung to support long periods of time underwater and high pressures as well.

  • This cut & paste might help:


    A few Weddell seal facts...

    What do seals drink? Most seals get their water from the foods they eat. Weddell seal females are known to sometimes eat snow when they are lactating and have reduced their intake of food.

    For more information about Weddell seals and other pinnipeds, I highly recommend Marianne Riedman's wonderful book, where I found most of this information:

  • Seals drink Sal Water. As all over the nature, living beings are able to adapt theirselves during minimum evolutionary period.

    Seals have adpted kidneys to filter salt in excess and its body is prepared to balance it without dehidration. (Talking about digestion too). ... But it doesn't means all salt, but specific conditions and specific levels.

  • Most seals get their water from the foods they eat. Weddell seal females are known to sometimes eat snow when they are lactating.

  • All animals have some resistance to salt water. We visited Amelia Island in Florida last year, and the horses there have adapted to drinking salt water.

  • very clever ill just ask our local seal down the pub and well drink to that

  • Tescos Dande(Sea)llion and Burdock. Obviously.

  • seals mainly get their hydration through the food that they eat, they may even have resistance against the content of the salt through ducts.

  • It's a puzzler, all right. Have they adapted or have we? You can certainly pick em. What do seals drink...? What do we drink? What will you have? Thanks....

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