Catholics: Do you see yourself as...?

saints now in this life on earth? Or do you believe that you only become a saint later after you die and go to heaven?


  • We are part of the Communion of Saint - just like we profess every Sunday at Mass.

  • Depends on your definition of saint. Catholics have two definitions. One is those who are in heaven, which we are not. The other is all true believers, on earth and in heaven. Catholics tend to shy away from the second definition simply because while we are still here on earth, there is no real way to know for sure if we are true believers. I hope that I am, but even so, I cannot know for sure. I know there are saints on this earth, and I think I know some, but again, I cannot be sure.

    edit in - personally, I try to avoid seeing myself as a saint because I believe that if I do, I might relax in my "knowledge" of things, and become complacent and lazy and ultimately miss the bus.

  • Catholics as well as any decent Christians consider themselves as "sinners" because sinners repent for their sins. A person who calls themselves a "saint" is arrogant which is not what the early Christians called themselves. The word "saint' means to be pure without any sins or consequences of sins. Only those who are in His Kingdom are worthy of such a title to be called saints.

    Church Militant (aka earth): sinners

    Suffering church (aka Purgatory): elect (meaning they are on their way to become saints)

    Church Triumphant (aka Heaven): saints

    And of course those who are in Hell are the dammed.

    How to word this, we are sinners trying to become as pure as Christ is pure. As humans we have faults (sins) but even so we strive to be like Christ as Christians.

  • any one is entitled to be called a saint, many mothers who have defiant children and try and keep the family together i consider to be saints, and that includes fathers as well

  • Act 10:34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:

    Being a "saint" according to scripture has nothing to do with being Catholic.

    Somebody needs to explain Acts 10:34 to the Pope....

  • Saint's life gets reviewed first it can take hundreds of year for them to be accepted. Example Joan De Arc

  • We believe once were dead and in our new life we are saints. Not in this life.

  • There are tree types of Saints.

    Saints in Heaven (Church Triumphant)

    Saints in Purgatory (Church Persecuted)

    Saints here on Earth. (Church Militant)

    So yes, we are saints.

  • lay of the Catholics

    any catholic is a hundred times better then any protestant

    long live Ireland!!!!!!!!!

  • really really weird crap isnt it !

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