Please diagnose my car problem?

It happened when I started my car at work. I noticed immediately that the car was trembling. I thought maybe it would go away once I start driving. I pulled out of the parking space and thats when it started shaking pretty hard, then the check engine light started flashing. I knew something wasnt right so I attempted to drive it down the street ( < 1 mile) to my mechanic. Thats when it shook even more and white/grey smoke (a lot of it) was coming from the tailpipe. no smoke under the hood and temp gauge showed that temp was normal. battery still worked as I was able to turn lights on and off.The car then died and I wasnt able to start it up again. I had it towed down the road without asking them what it could be. Any ideas??


  • Good thing you got the car to a mechanic ASAP. Flashing check engine lights are the WORSE types. Major engine damage could result when continueing No clue what might be causing it. We don't have a check engine light code to look anything up.

    You would have been better off having the car toed to the dealer of the car as soon as you noticed the flashing check engine light.

  • Sounds like a blown head gasket. That woud explain the smoke and the lack of power as the cylinders cannot all fire.

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