Is cosmetic surgery a moral issue to you?

Condemn, condone, don't care?


  • Cosmetic surgery is not a moral issue to me. On a daily basis we wear makeup, dress a certain way, get our hair fixed, etc. to look a certain way and make ourselves feel good. Surgery is just an extension of this, though quite a bit more intense. The only issues I have with cosmetic surgery is with age and frequency. I don't believe that still developing young people should be getting surgery unless it is a true malformity. Also, I think people who are constantly getting surgery can often have some sort of deeper psychological issue that should be addressed before a cosmetic doc treats them again.

  • I think its perfectly fine to have cosmetic surgery for certain reasons. Like scarring or for other medical reasons. I had cosmetic surgery done twice on a large scar on my neck to reduce its appearance when I was younger. I dont really care if people have cosmetic surgery to make their boobs bigger or their belly smaller or anything. If they want to spend the money on it, go ahead. I wouldnt pay to have stuff like that done though. My surgery was covered by insurance. I'm fine with the way my body looks even if its not perfect. I could have surgery to have my scar reduced even more but I've lived with it for so long now that it doesnt bother me a bit. Why pay money if I'm fine with how i look? It doesnt bother the people who are close to me either. Sometimes when people first meet me, they notice the scar a lot. But after they get to know me, they forget its even there. It might bother strangers a little but I really dont care what strangers think about me.

  • Too dependent on the situation. Vanity is self image and self esteem carried to extremes.

    A nose job to make a self conscious person feel comfortable in public is one thing. A vain nit wit wanting to look like Diana Ross or Brad Pitt is something else.

    I guess it comes down to the ACT not being moral or immoral, but the MOTIVATION makes it so. Anyone see my point?

  • Don't care. I don't see how it could be a moral issue unless a person went haywire, say, like Michael Jackson. Then it is an obsession and a MENTAL issue!

  • I condone it. It's totally a personal thing. I think therapy before hand is a really good idea though.

  • Modern science has taken us so far. I believe in medically-indicated cosmetic surgery for trauma victims or people with birth defects. I think anyone who purposefully wounds him or herself for purely aesthetic benefit is wasting the resources of medical doctors and institutions. That said, there are many psychological benefits for people who wish to have surgery and I wish those people well. I do think doctors have an ethical responsibility NOT to do multiple surgeries on people who are, in fact, disfiguring themselves.

  • In essence, it's like permanent makeup.

    Some people have a problem with it because it seems fake and you can't see through to the "real you". Makeup not as much, because people can still see through it. Kind of like a mask effect.

  • I think that for those who truly need it for medical issues it is okay, but those who just want it done for the sake of having something to talk about shouldn't do it.

  • i feel that unless the person has like a disfiguaration that is holding then back in life (like they got burned or something) then they should do it.

    but if a girl is like "i want big boobs" i condemn it.

  • I condone it, people should do whatever they want to make themselves feel better

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