Why do Catholics need a Pope?

Can they be Christians by just following the bible,do they need leaders,Popes,saints and Mary to secure their place in heaven?.


  • If they do not have Christ they need something else to put in His place.

    If they do not have the reality they need an artificial and visible idol to follow.

    Seventeen times Christ called to follow Him. Why has this not been noticed? And why is it so widely ignored?

    How can any be a Christian unless they follow Christ?

    The "leader" is to be Christ, not any sinful man.

    Following a sinful man teaches to be sinful, isn't that obvious?

    We only know about Christ from the Bible and that is why He chose His Apostles to be eyewitnesses and to give us the Bible, so as you rightly say it is only necessary to have the Bible to find and follow Christ. Anything more is of man.

    Christ is well able to lead any humble soul by his Own word to know Him.

    But that is the problem, they are not humble, but very proud and desire to take His place and steal what is rightfully His.

    The whole point is for each to know God for themselves and not be dependant upon man.

    And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest.

    -- One of the most repeated passages in Scripture.

    Yes! From the least -- notice that is put first -- especially the least.

    Exactly as Christ taught -

    But Jesus called them to him, and saith unto them, Ye know that they which are accounted to rule over the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and their great ones exercise authority upon them.

    But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister:

    And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all.

    Servant of all. In other words, the least.

    Though the LORD be high, yet hath he respect unto the lowly: but the proud he knoweth afar off.

  • They are under the misapprehension that God needs an organisation to get his work done.

    Jesus specifically said "on this rock I will build my Church".

    Catholics believe that Peter's name means "rock", and so they see this as the appointment of Peter as a first leader. However Peter doesn't mean rock it actually means "small pebble". The rock to which Jesus was referring is the truth of his previous statement, specifically that "He is the messiah".

    In the same passage (Matthew 16) he also gave peter "keys" which represent authority, specifically the authority to do what the Sanhedrin Court did, authority to "bind and loose", to declare lawful and unlawful. However in Matthew 18 he gave the very same "keys" to any two or three believers who are gathered. Thus showing that peter was not really a special case after all. All believers have the very same authority under God.

  • They do not need a Pope, they come to God the same way we do,by asking for forgiveness

    in a prayer to God,, man can not forgive sin and the Bible said to call no man father,

    so they are going against what the Bible say,s, and their prayers to the Pope would do better if they prayed to God.

  • If is wasn't for us you would not even have a bible. The bible is a Catholic book stolen from the Protestants in which they altered to their liking.We have a pope because Jesus Christ appoint us one

    for His church here on earth.Yes we do need the saints and Mary Mother of God to pray for us. They are all part of the communion saints.The saints and Mary do not secure a place for us in you they help us by prayer.

  • The pope was not an afterthought by Catholics. Jesus created the first pope, Peter.

    He told Peter that was building his church on him the rock.

    Jesus further gave Peter the keys to the Kingdom.

    The bible is not the pillar and foundation of the truth .Guess what is? The church is says scripture.

    Saints are models. They are our guides.

    Mary was the first Christian. She was the first to say yes to Jesus.

    Mary was/is the mother of Jesus. Do you think Jesus would want us to ignore his mother?

    Think about it. What good son doesn't honor his mother?

    Mary inspired by the Holy Spirit declared that all generations would honor her by calling her blessed.

    Over and over the bible tells us go to the the church leaders.

  • Did Jesus leave a Bible behind when He ascended into Heaven, or did He tell his disciples to spread the Good News?

    If you read the last chapter of John, you will see that Jesus told Peter 3 times to "feed His lambs". Jesus, the Good Shepherd, is giving the job and responsibility of being the shepherd to Peter, the first Pope.

    All churches have a minister to whom they listen. They have their own "Popes", but they do not admit it.

  • Any Pack Needs a Leader.

    Christian leaders are any Minister on TV.

  • Its like having a king or queen, a prime minister or a president, There always has to be someone ultimately who the final last say

  • Bureacracy?

    they choose it, it pleases them, they have the right and freewill. These will not secure anyone a place in Heaven only doing things the way God says.

  • Being neither a catholic nor a pope I wouldn't know so much why they need one from a religious standpoint, but from a business standpoint it serves the catholic church well if you need an intermediary to talk to god. Now a service has been performed and because it is such a "holy act" there is a payment due (whether through return service or cash 'donation').

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