do calories restart each day?

ok so say i had 2000 calories yesterday. so will i still have the 2000 calories from yesterday or do calories start over?


  • Depends on whether or not you've worked them all off. You burn some calories just by being alive but unless you do a little bit of exercise, those calories won't just disappear.

  • life isn't a video game. the calories will not restart once you use them. the average sedentary person uses about 2000 calories a day. think about it this way, if you do eat 2000 calories a day and are sedentary you will have 0 calories that carry over in the morning, but if you eat 2500 calories that day you will have 500 the next morning extra. if you want to maintain weight then you will only be able to eat 1500 for that day. it's like rollover minutes with a cell phone, y'know?

  • They dont really start over, think of them as energy because that's what they are(they are a measurement of heat). You need calories to do daily functions such as breath and walk. When you sleep, your body uses up the calories that you used during the day as fuel because you aren't eating for a long period of time. Once you wake up, you need more calories because you used them all up sleeping. You lose weight when you sleep because once you run outa calories, your body starts using fat as energy.

  • huh? Calories are energy. So you can think of calories as HP (health points). They dissappear when you exercise but by eating you replenish them. About 3500 calories=1 pound

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