HUGE TRADE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! help?

I was offered Willie Parker and Matt Hasslebeck for Palmer and Wes Welker what should I do ????


  • Keep Parker & Hassleback... Overall you'll keep more by having Parker

  • don't really think that it would make your team better or worse but there is a chance that willie might have a career season its questionable if hasslebeck will stay healthy this season his star back is playing injured which meens More passes for Matt and the Bengals will probably do the worst in their division willie and Matt just might work

  • Who is your other RB?

    That is a pretty good trade.

    Parker is leading the league in rushing and Hasselbeck is having a pretty good season himself. It would be hard to let go of Palmer though...

  • keep parker and matt. they will put up great season total. palmer is great i have him also, but welker is a 3rd option in NE and will unlikely continue his current outings

  • Keep Palmer! He is way better than Hassleback and consistently puts up winning numbers. Hassle is streaky.

  • It sounds like a good trade but Seattle do not have any good wide receivers.

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