Does this Quote make sense?

I made up this quote, honestly does it make sense. Or is it just plain old stupid?

"Just walk across the room, its only a few steps. It could change our life. Talk to me, im waiting on the otherside. Standing against this wall. Ignore your friends. I love you. Just take the steps, walk across the room.


Okay, lets say this is a poem, or a verse in a song. Does it work?


  • Hello;

    Well – I wouldn’t call it a quote. A quote is when you repeat *exactly* the words of another person. What I might call it would be a poem, a lyric or perhaps the start of a monologue.

    “Just walk across the room; it’s only a few steps. It could change our lives. Talk to me, I’m waiting on the other side. Standing against this wall. Ignore your friends. I love you. Just take the steps, walk across the room.”

    Is it stupid? Absolutely not. In fact, I would say it is both telling an endearing.

    Keep up the good work and never stop writing as it is one of the few things that is completely yours to control.


  • I think it does, but it takes some real thinking. To me it's saying, take one day from your past that was the best. The day you thought would never be topped again. The quote is then saying how that day, will be the worst day. In the future, you WILL have a day that is better and more memorable then your previous "favorite" This new favorite day, will make the old one look like the worst day you ever had. Basically, it means, "the best is yet to come"

  • If you work on it some, that'll make a nice poem. I wouldn't change the words, just organize it into lines, rather than as a paragraph.

  • more like a poem than a quote

  • it does makes sense, but why do you want this as a quote??

    perhaps you should consider this more as poem?

  • Yes

    To me it mean's the person talking saying "come to me" want's the viewer to go out with him or something like that.

  • Honestly, it doesn't make sense. Much better to rephrase.

  • doesn't sound like a 'quote',...more like song lyrics

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