Is a BIOS update necessary?

I'm currently upgrading my processor from an Intel Celeron D 360, to an Intel Core 2 Duo E6600. I've been told a BIOS update would be good but I have no idea how to perform one as I don't have a floppy disk drive on my computer.

I'm just wondering my computer already supports a Core 2 Duo so would a BIOS flash really be necessary? And if so how would I go about doing it with a USB drive?


  • Actually, it is not necessary at all. You should look whether everything works fine and if that happens then just do not do anything. If there is something miss functioning whicmiss functioningefore the upgrade and a new driver doesn't do the job then you can update the bios to see if it can solve the problem. The reason for this hesitation is that sometimes a bios upgrade causes more problems than it is supposed to solve, especially in outdated hardware.

  • Laptop producers don't normally recommend updating the BIOS unless you're experiencing a obstacle. In case you do desire to replace your BIOS, be certainly specific that you use the correct one. They're unique to each model of pc and sometimes even exclusive sub-units that look the equal. At the present time the BIOS replace tools on the whole investigate to be definite that the replace you are seeking to follow is suitable along with your process, but which you could certainly not be too careful. If viable, look at the list of changes that includes the replace and notice if there is anything in that record that might make it valued at making an attempt it, similar to elevated battery life. If no longer, don't worry about it. If, after reading this, you are still unsure about it, then don't do it.

  • Bios updates are only stability updates and very rarely, add features to your motherboard (which you're not likely to use anyways, but said features include support for new processor models.)

    But be VERY careful, and follow the guide for your specific motherboard to the letter if you want to do it, if you make one wrong move in updating your bios your motherboard is wrecked. so follow the manual's instructions for it to the letter. (it differs between motherboards, so find an update guide for your specific motherboard!)

    The celeron D is an old unicore processor if i'm not wrong. and judging by this your motherboard probably is old too. theres a chance it doesn't support dual cores in its current version, or it just doesn't support the core 2 series in its current version, i'd say theres a 50 50 chance that you need to update your bios. If i was you, i'd update it just in case. But i'm an expert with these things...

    Bios updates (at least all i've done so far) haven't been done through usb. like i said, just follow the manual with these things, you need to know your motherboard's name, and find it on their homepage. which is where you will download the bios update (For example asus sabertooth p67 or MSI 890GXM-G65) and also find a manual, or guide for how to update your bios. if you must do it via USB according to the manual, that is what you must do. just get a usb drive its not like it's expensive, its also a must have.

  • If your system is working fine, don't bother, as I've pointlessly updated my bios a few times and out of these few times I've either seen no difference, or I've messed up my system entirely (reversible/fixable).

  • Bios updates are only necessary when your system is unstable. If yours is running good I wouldn't bother to.

  • It's probably not necessary, but when changing the processor is usually a good time to do it. There's a useful howto here

  • Its not necessary and won't really improve performance but if you want to do it, its easier on a ASUS, MSI or GiGABYTE Motherboard.

    Tutorial can be found here, it may look hard but its not, just make sure you don't stuff it up and remember you don't need to do it.

  • no, i had a crash computer after i'd updated Bios. mainboard died and unuseful even if you were a talent in here...

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