how many tetra goldfish flakes do i feed my 4 inch goldfish?

Do not say, as much as it can eat in several minutes. I feed it 20 flakes a day, spead through out the day and it also gets the odd treat like a pea. but it always seems so hungry! oh and it is a yellow oranda, 4 inches long! I dont want to starve it, or over feed it so how many flakes would you say is the happy-medium?

thanks to anyone


  • The only way to no for sure that you are not over feeding or under feeding, is to feed it what it can eat in 3 minutes once a day, or in 1.5 minutes twice a day, or 1 minute 3 times a day Flakes brake up and come in all sizes, and a pinch is not a sensable unit of measure.

    Fish, are oppertunistic eaters, they will gorge themselves every chance they get, because they do not know were there next meal is coming from. Goldfish will generally always act like they are hungry, you have to set a rotiun for them and eventuallly he will remember when its feeding time and when its not, and they tend to stop begging so much, just like a cat or dog.

  • I know it's the answer you don't want to hear but it's the correct answer. Feed a small amount then let your fish finish it, and continue feeding in small amounts until your fish just stops eating. This minimizes the amount of waste of food in your tank.

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