Why do Republicans defend rapists?

They elected Trump president and are defending Bill O'Reilly and want him to stay on air


  • The reason Republican's defend RAPISTS is because they are hypocrites. ALL REP WOMEN should be ashamed of themselves for defending men's actions on rape. This is most especially true of our Newest PRES. These are the same women who were upset with Clinton about a BJ in the White House, but will go to multiple lengths to justify a P*SSY GRABBER and a man forcing himself onto women in public place and in underage beauty pageant. They are ok with misogynists' pigs who think that RAPE is ok and God's will for them. They are the same women who repeat the lines -- Stand by your man about Clinton --BUT, are ok with standing by while women's rights are trashed and violated against on a daily basis. REP MEN are ones, who hold NO MORAL VALUES, are fake patriot's, are OK with White Nationalists and listen to nothing but Clusterfox TV on a daily basis. They know no FACTS, PRINCIPALS, MORALS and understaning of basic religious principals. This all while hiding behind religion. It is the part of IGNORANCE and TOTAL BULLSH*T and anyone who still votes REP is a complete F IN MORON!

  • They just love them and they want to make videos of men who ejaculate in a human baby's anus without wearing a condom.

  • I thought it was N.O.W. and Hillary Clinton were the ones that defended rapist like Slick Willey.

  • Freedom to do whatever they want to women are part of the Republicon platform.

  • Trump is a sexist, a woman hater.

  • Cause to them rapists are ok as long as they are not illegals

  • Like Bill Clinton

  • As opposed to using a young intern as a humidor

  • Neither has been convicted of raping anyone and unless and until they are, they deserve the presumption of innocence. Why are you Democrats always so quick to lynch people?

  • Neither one is a rapist. Trolls are liars. LOL

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