Menstrual cramps a sign of pregnancy? ?

Okay my period is late about a week now. I've taken a couple of tests and it's negative. I've been experiencing these horrible menstrual cramps as if I were on my period but I'm not. This has been going on for about a week and a half now. Could this be a sign that I'm pregnant but it's just too soon to show up on a test? My husband and I are ttc so we really want to be pregnant.

Has anyone else experienced this before they found out they were pregnant?


  • Very much so, they should be mild though. I look out for them, it is the first sign. Hopefully the test will be positive in a few more days. I didn't get a positive for any of mine until well past my missed period.

  • I would take a test and then what ever the results are, I would follow up with your doctor and have a pregnancy test done there. Good luck :-) and baby dust coming from me to you♥♥♥

  • haha sweety it was to soon to take a test.... i too took a test to soon and it showed negative then i waited two weeks and took another one and i was preganant. and then i took another one and i was pregnant lol.

    Hun trust me wait a bit longer

  • it was a sign foe me but my test were positive..give it another week hopefully you will get your positive!!! baby dust to you..

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