Is premo a style?

okay, im 13 nd im goin' into 8th grade this coming fall. in elementary i was in a private school, soo since 6th grade i went to a public school. for the past 2 years i've been trying to dress the wayy that represents mee. my friend said my style is..premo [?] prep emo. i kno sorta weird but like dark colors mixed with bright ones. i wanna be unique. i already looked threw my closet nd sorta made an it a style? or am i just wasting my time?


  • pemo is someone whos preppy and emo at the same time they watch O.C. and they love the music played on O.C...they dress like emos sometimes or sometimes like preps. but when they dress like a prep, most of the time there is something emo that will give it all away...they may hang out with preps but may not nececarily act like them..poeple seem to be confused on how to classify them.premos dont even know how to describe themselves they just wana be edgy and different and hate being stereotyped (even the word premo does not describe them best).and they just want to be and dress arcoding to what they feel when they wake up in the morning....they love nailpolish but it doesnt have to be black although its their favourite together with pink and red..

  • Boy,no longer something like a right away attitude,is it?you be attentive to something?i think of it only ought to artwork.I shall undergo in recommendations this so as that when I come around the staggering lady,i'll try this novel way of offering.Have an incredible Day. Edit:-thank you on your short mail.only back from a quick trip with my buddies to Disneyland at Orlando.Will write one by one.Am quickly happening an fairly long excursion overlaying some places for company.

  • Yes, it's the posers' style.

    There's no such thing as a prep emo.

    Just because you like to wear some dark colors doesn't make you look or seem emo.

  • If you attempt to follow a trend then a person doesn't find what they feel fits best. It's like watching guys walk around with their pants around their knees and then try to skate board. Gang-ska? Anyways... If you feel comfortable wearing darker clothes with a bit of color, so be it. Don't try to make it fit a label.

  • Hey you dress how you feel most comfortable so if that means you are premo then so be it. Express yourself how you see fit and have fun with it!

    Good Luck in the 8th grade!

  • xD


    what ever floats you boat!

    thats also known as "poser" sweetie

  • Your wasting your time..

    Sorry :/

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